Binge Poster
scooby0048,I, In all of the issues you have raised (albeit, some good ones) why have you you not taken the initiative and brought forth these issues to a governing party yourself instead of bringing them up to an internet forum? I read your posts and have to admit that there are some instances where you do bring up good topics for discussion however, in doing so on an anonymous forum you are not solving anything unless of course it is simply to get a heated debate started.
Does the thrill of the argument arouse you or are you afraid of being labeled as a snitch / whistle blower if you were to come forward with all of your insight. Are you fearful that whatever job you do at UPS would become compromised with your observations of wrongdoing? And lastly, have ANY of your purported or actual violations been addressed and or rectified with a satisfactory conclusion?
This is a discussion forum I come here to discuss, isn't that the purpose of a discussion forum.
Well I don't know.
Simply put I do take on issues.
I don't walk in in a yellow suit and say I am Integrity and I am here to take on so and so issue.
I do it in more conventional ways.
I only wear the yellow tights here on the BC.