
Well-Known Member
I don’t think any of that is true.

Did watching Tootsie or Mrs Doubtfire scar you for life?
Remember when Virginia voted in a Republican governor recently? A major issue was teaching CRT in schools but also allowing boys in girls locker rooms. One of those boys raped a girl in her locker room. Their school board responded by quietly transferring the boy to another school in their district where he did the same thing again. It was more important to them to keep their transgender policy than to admit they screwed up and to protect the girls from that predator. This is the BS that's happening and people like you enable it with your denials. Classic.


Heavily Moderated User, Loves Sailfish
Remember when Virginia voted in a Republican governor recently? A major issue was teaching CRT in schools but also allowing boys in girls locker rooms. One of those boys raped a girl in her locker room. Their school board responded by quietly transferring the boy to another school in their district where he did the same thing again. It was more important to them to keep their transgender policy than to admit they screwed up and to protect the girls from that predator. This is the BS that's happening and people like you enable it with your denials. Classic.


Well-Known Member
You've got people insisting we learn and remember their pronouns. Insisting that biological males be allowed in girls locker rooms. Insisting that athletically superior males be allowed to compete in women's sports where they are breaking records and elbowing out females for scholarships. There are events sponsored for schoolkids to watch and participate in drag queen shows. How about they just leave us be?
The examples you use are extreme and rare.

Now all of a sudden you're stressed about mid level collegiate bowling or track & field?


Well-Known Member
The examples you use are extreme and rare.

Now all of a sudden you're stressed about mid level collegiate bowling or track & field?
It's in high schools too. Guess what? There's very few avenues to professional sports for women and most of them don't get rich doing that. For most girl athletes it's about the scholarship. And they're getting pushed aside by boys who are breaking high school records and getting those scholarships. Not to mention it's just not fair competition. Why are you defending that? Your side tells you that this is an issue worth fighting for? And it's no longer rare. Cropping up all over.


Well-Known Member
Forgot to mention how they shuttled him off to another school where he attacked another girl in similar circumstances. And she testified she said no. Now all of sudden the girl isn't to be believed because a transgender boy might be involved or it might reflect poorly on the school's policy of letting transgender people use the bathroom of their choice. And you think this is the only example out there? People have lost privileges and been openly shamed for complaining about men being in women's locker rooms, even showers.


Heavily Moderated User, Loves Sailfish
It's in high schools too. Guess what? There's very few avenues to professional sports for women and most of them don't get rich doing that. For most girl athletes it's about the scholarship. And they're getting pushed aside by boys who are breaking high school records and getting those scholarships. Not to mention it's just not fair competition. Why are you defending that? Your side tells you that this is an issue worth fighting for? And it's no longer rare. Cropping up all over.
Van, I don’t doubt all of what you are saying, but you were wrong about the rape case, so could you back up any of that with a verifiable fact?

I have not heard of a female high school athlete losing a scholarship to a transgender. It could have happened, but I haven’t seen anything about it.
I know about the lawsuits, but haven’t heard about an actual lost scholarship.


Bad Moon Risen'
Marjorie Taylor Greene: "The Bible tells us marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman. That’s what marriage is!"

So Marge, since we're running America by the Bible I guess we're stoning you to death because the good book says that's the punishment for adultery. (Leviticus 20:10)
I'll lob the first rock.


Well-Known Member
Van, I don’t doubt all of what you are saying, but you were wrong about the rape case, so could you back up any of that with a verifiable fact?

I have not heard of a female high school athlete losing a scholarship to a transgender. It could have happened, but I haven’t seen anything about it.
I know about the lawsuits, but haven’t heard about an actual lost scholarship.
Well let's start with the most famous example, Lia Thomas at Penn. Him being on the team meant a girl didn't make the team. Him breaking collegiate records meant girls who worked hard to establish those records were pushed aside. And those he competed directly against had little chance to win. There were a couple of boys competing as girls in Connecticut high school track who broke a bunch of state records. I don know where they ended up but in the spirit of inclusion I'm sure some woke universities took them. I'm sorry, haven't documented every case around the country, but it's happening.


Bad Moon Risen'
Remember when Virginia voted in a Republican governor recently? A major issue was teaching CRT in schools but also allowing boys in girls locker rooms. One of those boys raped a girl in her locker room. Their school board responded by quietly transferring the boy to another school in their district where he did the same thing again. It was more important to them to keep their transgender policy than to admit they screwed up and to protect the girls from that predator. This is the BS that's happening and people like you enable it with your denials. Classic.
That kid would make a great priest.


Heavily Moderated User, Loves Sailfish
Well let's start with the most famous example, Lia Thomas at Penn. Him being on the team meant a girl didn't make the team. Him breaking collegiate records meant girls who worked hard to establish those records were pushed aside. And those he competed directly against had little chance to win. There were a couple of boys competing as girls in Connecticut high school track who broke a bunch of state records. I don know where they ended up but in the spirit of inclusion I'm sure some woke universities took them. I'm sorry, haven't documented every case around the country, but it's happening.
I know about the lawsuits, but haven’t heard about an actual lost scholarship.
Lost scholarships?
Are the goalposts moving?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

El Correcto

god is dead
That Matt Walsh Rogan interview was rough to listen to.
Rogan really doesn’t understand these fundamentalist Christian cultists point of view on lying to people like him and why Matt Walsh is dishonestly distancing his points of views that are based on his religious world view from his religious world view.

It’s the same thing Tommy sits there trying to do while talking about “natural law” and comparing gay sex to murder. It’s a very dishonest Christian tactic of Trojan horsing their religious beliefs into the government and our laws. They pretend these aren’t my religious views of the world, these are provable scientific observations of reality that no sane person can deny, when in reality it is quite the opposite.

He also really didn’t have a good response to what about women who can’t procreate and didn’t push Matt Walsh when he admitted he didn’t want gay marriage to be legal.

It really shows what a bunch of cowards Christian’s have become in the public sphere and how god truly is dead. Matt Walsh can no longer just say because god is real and demands it, he has to try to appeal to human logic which Jewish fairytales rarely do.


Inordinately Right
All they had to do was remove the sick books, but they just couldn't rebuke their cult of leftism.

It's a shame the gay groomers running that place care more about pushing their twisted ideology than they do about actually providing the community with a good library.