
Well-Known Member
Sixty letters asking for leniency for Hastert were submitted to the court ahead of sentencing, but 19 of these letters were withdrawn after Judge Durkin said that he would not consider any letters that were not made public.[204] Of the 41 letters that were made public, several were from current or former members of Congress: John T. Doolittle, David Dreier, Thomas W. Ewing, and Porter Goss (who also is a former CIA director).[205] The Chicago Tribune noted that DeLay and Doolittle had "have had legal troubles of their own" stemming from the Abramoff scandal, although DeLay's conviction in that scandal was later overturned and Doolittle was never charged.[204] Other supporters of Hastert who wrote letters on his behalf included his family members; former Illinois Attorney General Tyrone C. Fahner; "local leaders, board members, police officers and others from his home base in rural Kendall County"; and "several members of Illinois' wrestling community."[204]
You said lots of Republicans. A few Congressmen.

Look up Rep.Gerry Studds, 1983 Congressional page scandal.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Nope, just sexualization of underaged females. Manga.
Reach harder. I love how lefties and antis like to play whatabout against abstract drawings of fictional characters with arbitrary ambiguous "ages" to deflect from their support of real-life grooming and pedophilia.
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King