El Correcto

god is dead
I would have laughed someone out of the room if they'd told me 6-7 years ago that leftists would be openly going after kids in 2023. It's both sad and surreal.
Openly going against what ignorant parents teach them yes.
Most people aren’t not good educators for children, it’s why society pulls resources and provides education. That is society going after your kids.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I would have laughed someone out of the room if they'd told me 6-7 years ago that leftists would be openly going after kids in 2023. It's both sad and surreal.
Openly going against what ignorant parents teach them yes.

Most people aren’t not good educators for children, it’s why society pulls resources and provides education. That is society going after your kids.

That's what you want to frame it as: simply "education."

El Correcto

god is dead
A gay dude with no kids, who by his own admission didn't have good parents, is lecturing people on how to raise their kids.

Don't waste your time, he has to be trolling.
No we are talking about “targeting” children, which basically every ideology and field of study does.

But Jesus called for them, saying, “Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.

Reeee Jesus targeting children.
Reee biology targeting children!
They coming for the kids!!! Reee.

Yes gays target non-discrimination being taught by society. What a bunch of horrible monsters. They should be teaching being gay is wrong and akin to murder in the eyes of the creator of the universe.


Inordinately Right
No we are talking about “targeting” children, which basically every ideology and field of study does.

But Jesus called for them, saying, “Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.

Reeee Jesus targeting children.
Reee biology targeting children!
They coming for the kids!!! Reee.

Yes gays target non-discrimination being taught by society. What a bunch of horrible monsters. They should be teaching being gay is wrong and akin to murder in the eyes of the creator of the universe.
Thank you for admitting you're a groomer.
Carry on.

El Correcto

god is dead
Thank you for admitting you're a groomer.
Carry on.
Nope, teaching a child it’s okay to be gay or trans is not grooming them in the sense of being a groomer. Now if you went and screwed that child after gaining their trust or your intentions were to screw that child, this yes you would be a groomer.

Just like groomers commonly use Christianity and Christian communities to make contact with kids.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I would have laughed someone out of the room if they'd told me 6-7 years ago that leftists would be openly going after kids in 2023. It's both sad and surreal.
Openly going against what ignorant parents teach them yes.
Most people aren’t not good educators for children, it’s why society pulls resources and provides education. That is society going after your kids.

Sad and surreal.

El Correcto

god is dead
Oh so now you consider a conversation between an adult not trying to rape a child as showing them pornography? Are parents now groomers if they have a conversation with their kids about masterbation? Is a doctor? What about just an academic studying the social development of children? Yeah if some rando in the park is asking your boy about his willy that is inappropriate but context is important when establishing intent. Talking with a child about masterbation isn’t illegal or immoral in all situations.
This doesn’t surprise me considering your opinions of 1,2,3 pride being pornographic.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Oh so now you consider a conversation between an adult not trying to rape a child as showing them pornography?

You didn't click/tap through and read on about what Stage 4 of the grooming includes per Psychology Today:
  • Asks questions about minor's sexual experience/relationships.
  • Talks about sexual things they themselves have done.
  • Uses inappropriate sexual language/dirty jokes.
  • Teaches minor sexual education.


Well-Known Member

What books do you you went to ban?

Why ban any books?
Those books aren't banned. Adults can buy them from a bookstore. Those books are being removed from school libraries in some school districts after being deemed inappropriate for children. Other districts in some states I'm certain are still allowing them.

El Correcto

god is dead
You didn't click/tap through and read on about Stage 4 of grooming children includes per Psychology Today:
  • Asks questions about minor's sexual experience/relationships.
  • Talks about sexual things they themselves have done.
  • Uses inappropriate sexual language/dirty jokes.
  • Teaches minor sexual education.
No I did.
But I also informed you context is important to these conversations when establishing intent.
Is a doctor also a pedophile if they ask your kid about their sexual history when determining what screenings to put them through?
Is an academic trying to understand human sexuality a pedophile for studying sexual development kids?
Is a therapist a pedophile for talking to a minor about their sexual feelings or history to help them process their emotions?

Context is everything when establishing if something is grooming a child to be raped.


Well-Known Member
Nope, teaching a child it’s okay to be gay or trans is not grooming them in the sense of being a groomer. Now if you went and screwed that child after gaining their trust or your intentions were to screw that child, this yes you would be a groomer.

Just like groomers commonly use Christianity and Christian communities to make contact with kids.
Is describing sex acts between children or children and adults teaching them it's ok to be gay or trans?


Well-Known Member
No I did.
But I also informed you context is important to these conversations when establishing intent.
Is a doctor also a pedophile if they ask your kid about their sexual history when determining what screenings to put them through?
Is an academic trying to understand human sexuality a pedophile for studying sexual development kids?
Is a therapist a pedophile for talking to a minor about their sexual feelings or history to help them process their emotions?

Context is everything when establishing if something is grooming a child to be raped.
And yet if a parent decides those conversations are inappropriate with their child you attack the parent.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
So did that woman touch that child inappropriately?
Did she screw that little boy or was that the point of the conversation?
Do you now believe masterbation to be unnatural or evil?
Oh so now you consider a conversation between an adult not trying to rape a child as showing them pornography? Are parents now groomers if they have a conversation with their kids about masterbation? Is a doctor? What about just an academic studying the social development of children? Yeah if some rando in the park is asking your boy about his willy that is inappropriate but context is important when establishing intent. Talking with a child about masterbation isn’t illegal or immoral in all situations.
This doesn’t surprise me considering your opinions of 1,2,3 pride being pornographic.
You didn't click/tap through and read on about what Stage 4 of the grooming includes per Psychology Today:
  • Asks questions about minor's sexual experience/relationships.
  • Talks about sexual things they themselves have done.
  • Uses inappropriate sexual language/dirty jokes.
  • Teaches minor sexual education.
No I did.
But I also informed you context is important to these conversations when establishing intent.
Is a doctor also a pedophile if they ask your kid about their sexual history when determining what screenings to put them through?
Is an academic trying to understand human sexuality a pedophile for studying sexual development kids?
Is a therapist a pedophile for talking to a minor about their sexual feelings or history to help them process their emotions?

Context is everything when establishing if something is grooming a child to be raped.

It's right in front of your face and you're still trying to defend it. Yuck.


Engorged Member
Nope, teaching a child it’s okay to be gay or trans is not grooming them in the sense of being a groomer. Now if you went and screwed that child after gaining their trust or your intentions were to screw that child, this yes you would be a groomer.

Just like groomers commonly use Christianity and Christian communities to make contact with kids.
Exactly. If you're an attentive parent, you'll be attuned to the signs and act accordingly. That means love, acceptance, and understanding, not Christian Anti-Gay Camp. Groomers use all sorts of vehicles to get to victims. Schools, churches, Boy Scouts etc. And it is very common to use religion and church to groom kids. Just ask your local priest.