
Inordinately Right
You guys have some new heroes.

The stabber will be made a conservative ideal like Saint Kyle Rittenhouse.
Strange the media isn't giving a description of the suspect, don't you think?


Got the T-Shirt


Inordinately Right

"With Alex [McNear, Obama’s girlfriend at Occidental College], I think she wanted to have her role known. So when Alex showed me the letters from Barack, she redacted one paragraph in one of them and just said, ‘It’s about homosexuality,’" Garrow said before explaining that a man named Harvey Klehr was tasked with going through the letters, which are at Emory University.

He’s spent his whole life at Emory, but they won’t let him take pictures. So Harvey has to sit there with a pencil and copy out the graph where Barack writes to Alex about how he repeatedly fantasizes about making love to men," Garrow said."


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.

"With Alex [McNear, Obama’s girlfriend at Occidental College], I think she wanted to have her role known. So when Alex showed me the letters from Barack, she redacted one paragraph in one of them and just said, ‘It’s about homosexuality,’" Garrow said before explaining that a man named Harvey Klehr was tasked with going through the letters, which are at Emory University.

He’s spent his whole life at Emory, but they won’t let him take pictures. So Harvey has to sit there with a pencil and copy out the graph where Barack writes to Alex about how he repeatedly fantasizes about making love to men," Garrow said."
That’s why he married the beast


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Apparently having language in our contract that normalizes these retards is no biggie according to Brown Cafe.
The push/attempt to normalize these mentally ill, is everywhere. Why?
From Clinton's "don't ask don't tell" to trans running the military in 25 years.
Corporations/companies began long ago. Lawsuits because of "minority "status.
The media was also slick in their blinding you to what was happening. Remember Will and Grace? Will was such a"normal", nice guy. Now, every commercial, every show, has homos making out.
Brown Cafe? Not so much. This is where I go for the most push back . There is nothing to do now but laugh and mock at the ignorance that has gone to seed.


Strength through joy

"With Alex [McNear, Obama’s girlfriend at Occidental College], I think she wanted to have her role known. So when Alex showed me the letters from Barack, she redacted one paragraph in one of them and just said, ‘It’s about homosexuality,’" Garrow said before explaining that a man named Harvey Klehr was tasked with going through the letters, which are at Emory University.

He’s spent his whole life at Emory, but they won’t let him take pictures. So Harvey has to sit there with a pencil and copy out the graph where Barack writes to Alex about how he repeatedly fantasizes about making love to men," Garrow said."
Do you recall the Russian Bath House in Chicago that had all their records seized by a federal law enforcement agency the day Obama first said he was running for POTUS ?
If you do, then all this is old news.