Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
It sad you only care about the unborn.
I guess because they aren’t white Christian children you don’t care.
That fits in perfectly with the MAGA cult narrative
The unborn are the fundamental starting point of concern in building a functional society.

We need to scientifically define human life as beginning at conception, instead of the primeval notion of at birth.


Well-Known Member
It sad you only care about the unborn.
I guess because they aren’t white Christian children you don’t care.
That fits in perfectly with the MAGA cult narrative
Let's see, in the last few years Democrats howled about taking books out of schools that depicted graphic sex acts. They lambasted a movie that did more to expose the international child sex trade than anything else ever has. They promoted grown men dancing laciviously in front of children.

Exactly what is it that you libs want from children? To protect them or to do things to them?


All Trash No Trailer
Let's see, in the last few years Democrats howled about taking books out of schools that depicted graphic sex acts. They lambasted a movie that did more to expose the international child sex trade than anything else ever has. They promoted grown men dancing laciviously in front of children.

Exactly what is it that you libs want from children? To protect them or to do things to them?
And absolutely none of tripe you just spewed changes the fact that since the babies being killed are Brown Muslims your lot has no feelings for them. You only “support” the unborn.
Of course much of that support is simply controlling women but that’s a discussion for another thread


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
And absolutely none of tripe you just spewed changes the fact that since the babies being killed are Brown Muslims your lot has no feelings for them. You only “support” the unborn.
Of course much of that support is simply controlling women but that’s a discussion for another thread
What absolute BS.


Well-Known Member
And absolutely none of tripe you just spewed changes the fact that since the babies being killed are Brown Muslims your lot has no feelings for them. You only “support” the unborn.
Of course much of that support is simply controlling women but that’s a discussion for another thread
Were you upset by brown Muslims killing white Jewish babies or did you think the Jews got what they deserved? Israel is giving plenty of warning to get out of the way. It's the Muslim leadership threatening their own to stay where they are so that they can use the collateral damage against Israel.

Israel wants the attacks to stop. The only way to do that is to remove Hamas. None of this would be happening if Hamas hadn't chose to attack. Leave it to liberal white Americans to scream racism over it. Pathetic.


Well-Known Member
And absolutely none of tripe you just spewed changes the fact that since the babies being killed are Brown Muslims your lot has no feelings for them. You only “support” the unborn.
Of course much of that support is simply controlling women but that’s a discussion for another thread
By the way, interesting that pointing out what liberals are actually doing to BORN children is considered by you to be tripe. Why do you trivialize the sexualizing and molestation of children?


All Trash No Trailer
By the way, interesting that pointing out what liberals are actually doing to BORN children is considered by you to be tripe. Why do you trivialize the sexualizing and molestation of children?
Nope, not falling for a piitiful attempt at a Strawman . Not today.


All Trash No Trailer


Well-Known Member
Nope, not falling for a piitiful attempt at a Strawman . Not today.
Oh come on, fall, fall. You brought up how white, conservative Christians care more about the unborn than they do live children. Just wanted to remind you what kind of things liberals defend concerning children. So get off your high horse.


All Trash No Trailer
Oh come on, fall, fall. You brought up how white, conservative Christians care more about the unborn than they do live children. Just wanted to remind you what kind of things liberals defend concerning children. So get off your high horse.
There is no righteous Christian Indignation over the Brown Muslim Children being killed in Gaza.
Peddle your Strawman elsewhere


All Trash No Trailer
That's a crock of bull. The old fox has a lot younger people dreaming this stuff up. By the way Biden isn't building a wall where it's most needed, at Eagle Pass which has the shallowest ford on the Rio Grande. He's complying with the requirement to use the funds as allocated by building it down river out of the way of the illegals.
Dark Brandon is getting it done!
This is what Winning looks like.