What the??![]()
WTH: 50-Year-Old Male Identifies as a Teenage Girl and Joins Swim Team Where He Showers with Teenage Girls | Joe Hoft
This is madness. Where are the dads? This is unbelievable. A 50-year-old professor identifies as a teenage girl and he is somehow allowed to join a swim team and dress and shower with the young women on the team. I'd pull my daughter off that team faster than you can say pervert. — Scarlett Johnsonjoehoft.com
@IntegrityInteresting comment.
I disagree.
I do not believe animals have more sense than any humans.
In my opinion this statement is not consistent with the teachings, life, and example of Jesus Christ.
I believe God so loves the LGBTQ community.
@IntegrityHomosexuality is not in the Bible, I believe there is no direct teaching on the subject of homosexuality as it is understood today.
@IntegrityHomosexuality, the condition, is not mentioned in the Bible.
@IntegrityJesus is an all new radical teaching. I would say that the Old Testament is cause Jesus’s teaching, not the root.
The human teacher Apostle or not compares to Jesus teaching.
Not all Christians literally believe or literally believe in everything that is in the Bible.
There are Christians who love, support, welcome the LGBTQ community without judgement or condemnation.