
Got the T-Shirt


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Although you are not stating the 5 points of Calvinism, I would say I do hold to the 3 tenets that you describe.

What I definitely don’t hold to is the first of the Calvinist essentials, one that you don’t mention, that being the Total Depravity of man.

This disqualifies me from the Calvinist system of theology or theory.

I know some staunch 5 point Calvinists.
I would have stated the Tulip and made comparisons if you would have answered. You never answered as usual so there was no reason.

I was going to say you had at least 3 from your comments. If someone holds one letter of the Tulip, I call them a Calvinist because they hold a doctrine that came from a man and not found in scripture. You don't have to be 5 of 5 for me.
If someone only believed death of non-elect infants equals infant damnation, but rejected the other four, this false doctrine came from Calvin. The average for the Calvinist today is 3.


nowhere special
I would have stated the Tulip and made comparisons if you would have answered. You never answered as usual so there was no reason.

I was going to say you had at least 3 from your comments. If someone holds one letter of the Tulip, I call them a Calvinist because they hold a doctrine that came from a man and not found in scripture. You don't have to be 5 of 5 for me.
If someone only believed death of non-elect infants equals infant damnation, but rejected the other four, this false doctrine came from Calvin. The average for the Calvinist today is 3.
Infant baptism isn't as much Calvinist as it is Catholic and Lutheran.


Binge Poster
I would have stated the Tulip and made comparisons if you would have answered. You never answered as usual so there was no reason.

I was going to say you had at least 3 from your comments. If someone holds one letter of the Tulip, I call them a Calvinist because they hold a doctrine that came from a man and not found in scripture. You don't have to be 5 of 5 for me.
If someone only believed death of non-elect infants equals infant damnation, but rejected the other four, this false doctrine came from Calvin. The average for the Calvinist today is 3.
That is your theory.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Presbyterian as well.

The support for infant baptism and “believer’s baptism” are both found in the Bible.
A candidate for New Testament baptism must believe, repent, and confess Christ.
An infant cannot believe, has no sin to repent of, and gaga googoo is not confession.