
Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Lot of truth in this...


Inordinately Right
BREAKING: Pedo catcher Alex Rosen just busted the leader of the LGBTQ Democrats of Maryland, trying to meet with a 14-year-old

Allegedly, his name is Michael Knaapen, who is also a member of the Maryland Democratic Party Executive Committee


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member

Does this justify letting in rapists and murderers that aren't vetted and stopped at the border?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

Does this justify letting in rapists and murderers that aren't vetted and stopped at the border?
This is the thread where insecure males blame lgbtq for things they do.

So you’re calling yourself an insecure male and saying the men you posted about in this thread today are lgbtq?


Well-Known Member
How could I not come to that conclusion if you meant what you said?
If pointing out that the vast majority of people who abuse children are not LGBTQ, but are, in fact, people in positions of trust leads you to that conclusion, there is nothing I can say or show you that will change your mind.

Did you know that almost 900 Republican officials have been indicted for sex crimes involving children in the last decade?

Gotta Go

Well-Known Member
"Did you know that almost 900 Republican officials have been indicted for sex crimes involving children in the last decade?"

And if you have a "D" beside your name it's a career enhancement with great advancement potential...
Plus it's considered normal to shower with your young daughter... Right Ashley???

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
the vast majority of people who abuse children are not LGBTQ

Of course they’re not. The majority of people who commit crimes are not black. Look for offender rates as a percentage of the total population. Total numbers given in isolation can be misleading.

Did you know that almost 900 Republican officials have been indicted for sex crimes involving children in the last decade?

No I didn’t. Could you link me to more information about that? Think any of them might also be lgbtq? How many of the indictments involved victims of the same sex?