Well-Known Member
Sorry..yes they can.
Documented fact.
Still wrong.
Sorry..yes they can.
Documented fact.
ex-gaytruth.comStill wrong.
Plenty of first hand documented testimony here. Just the tip of the iceberg. Plenty out there.
If a person is born gay, as you say, there would be no " choice " in becoming heterosexual.
You are still wrong. Your choice.
No gay gene.
Plenty of first hand documented testimony here. Just the tip of the iceberg. Plenty out there.
If a person is born gay, as you say, there would be no " choice " in becoming heterosexual.
You are still wrong. Your choice.
No gay gene.
Yes ..I have said I really can. It is logic.Then you could choose to be gay by that logic.
Since you really can’t...
I have people eating popcorn waiting for your next enlightened response .LMAO, try again Tommy.
YepWell, if what you think is true, that homosexuals are making a ‘choice’ to be gay, then that ‘choice’ is open to you as a heterosexual, isn’t it?
Could you choose to be gay?
I’m employing your logic and you say I’m embarrassing myself, ‘nuff said.
Where do your morals come from?Yes ..I have said I really can. It is logic.
Have you found the gay gene yet?
@ Wrong hit it on the money.
He can choose to have sex with a woman and have children. He would rather kill himself. His "feelings" or " "inclination" is to have homosexual sex.
He "feels" about heterosexual sex like I would "feel "as repulsed about homosexual sex.
Somewhere in all of this is a moral issue. With God and the Bible rejected (two choices there, when you see what the scripture teaches about homosexuality , you can choose to reject it or accept it and change) that does not mean that morality is totally out of the question.
"Feelings" and "inclination" no matter how strong the feelings and inclinations are, are not the basis of what is right and wrong. If we base everything on how strongly someone "feels" is matter what the topic, there would be no right or wrong. What ever one feels would be right in his own eyes.
i bought some colorful glasses but my supervisor called them gay glasses
I know they choose to be gay.People are born gay all the time, you think they chose being gay?
Wrong.Homosexuals can’t choose not to be homosexual, anymore than you can choose not to be heterosexual.
Not at all.Are you personally offended by homosexuals?
So you know this gene does NOT exist and we have a choice to love or hate gays.As far as the ‘hate gay’ gene, that’s up to you - you have a choice, it’s not a gene.
Yes ..I have said I really can. It is logic.
Have you found the gay gene yet?
@ Wrong hit it on the money.
He can choose to have sex with a woman and have children. He would rather kill himself. His "feelings" or " "inclination" is to have homosexual sex.
He "feels" about heterosexual sex like I would "feel "as repulsed about homosexual sex.
Somewhere in all of this is a moral issue. With God and the Bible rejected (two choices there, when you see what the scripture teaches about homosexuality , you can choose to reject it or accept it and change) that does not mean that morality is totally out of the question.
"Feelings" and "inclination" no matter how strong the feelings and inclinations are, are not the basis of what is right and wrong. If we base everything on how strongly someone "feels", that makes it ok, no matter what the topic, there would be no right or wrong. What ever one feels would be right in his own eyes and would have to be accepted.
Gay day tomorrow...Lucky dog.I may have caught the gay just seeing those...
So you know this gene does NOT exist and we have a choice to love or hate gays.
And you also KNOW that people are born gay and have no choice.
So you are the go to person to know what is choice or no choice .
More popcorn? lol smh
Bible has nothing to do with the quote..get the point of the quote.Lordy, lordy, there you go again with the Bible.
What does the scripture teach about homosexuality?
You're going no where.I sincerely doubt you could choose to be gay.
It would be like me choosing to be a pelican.
That’s not how any of this works.