
Well-Known Member
...Let's see..not interested in scripture, just Jesus. Now think about that one . The Bible is what reveals Jesus but..

Your Bible was written centuries after Jesus died.

In the same way that I’m not interested in later Buddhist arguments about ‘scripture’, I’m not interested in later Christian arguments about what Jesus meant when he said what he said.

Now, historical pre-scripture documents aside, I realize both Jesus and Buddhas’ original words have been corrupted through translation, politics, etc.

I have no need for dimwits trying to decide how many angels can fit on the head of a pin, or if Buddha sprang from the Lotus as an infant or a fully formed man.

All of that is noise.

If you want to stick with politics, have at it.

El Correcto

god is dead
Yes ..I have said I really can. It is logic.
Have you found the gay gene yet?

@ Wrong hit it on the money.
He can choose to have sex with a woman and have children. He would rather kill himself. His "feelings" or " "inclination" is to have homosexual sex.
He "feels" about heterosexual sex like I would "feel "as repulsed about homosexual sex.

Somewhere in all of this is a moral issue. With God and the Bible rejected (two choices there, when you see what the scripture teaches about homosexuality , you can choose to reject it or accept it and change) that does not mean that morality is totally out of the question.

"Feelings" and "inclination" no matter how strong the feelings and inclinations are, are not the basis of what is right and wrong. If we base everything on how strongly someone "feels", that makes it ok, no matter what the topic, there would be no right or wrong. What ever one feels would be right in his own eyes and would have to be accepted.
Me popping a viagra and banging a woman doesn’t make me straight.

I don’t feel anything about heterosex, I’m not a weirdo like you obsessed with what other people choose to do in their bedrooms.


Well-Known Member
Me popping a viagra and banging a woman doesn’t make me straight.

I don’t feel anything about heterosex, I’m not a weirdo like you obsessed with what other people choose to do in their bedrooms.

BrownFlush getting plastered and sucking ...wouldn’t make him gay, either.

He’s confused.


Well-Known Member
Your Bible was written centuries after Jesus died.

In the same way that I’m not interested in later Buddhist arguments about ‘scripture’, I’m not interested in later Christian arguments about what Jesus meant when he said what he said.

Now, historical pre-scripture documents aside, I realize both Jesus and Buddhas’ original words have been corrupted through translation, politics, etc.

I have no need for dimwits trying to decide how many angels can fit on the head of a pin, or if Buddha sprang from the Lotus as an infant or a fully formed man.

All of that is noise.

If you want to stick with politics, have at it.
Our New Testament was written in the 1st Century A.D.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Me popping a viagra and banging a woman doesn’t make me straight.
Didn't say it did.
Me popping a viagra and banging a woman doesn’t make me straight.

I don’t feel anything about heterosex, I’m not a weirdo
Yeah you are..If you are a male and suck di**s and have di**s stuck up your ass ,sorry pal, it's queer, as in not natural.
what other people choose to do in their bedrooms.
Have at it.
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Amen Brother!
Hope this helps... Jesus said this

He answered, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.--Matthew 19: 4-6

No man can leave father and mother and cleave to a husband and do what Jesus is saying here.
No woman can leave father and mother and cleave to a wife and do what Jesus is saying here.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Your Bible was written centuries after Jesus died.

In the same way that I’m not interested in later Buddhist arguments about ‘scripture’, I’m not interested in later Christian arguments about what Jesus meant when he said what he said.

Now, historical pre-scripture documents aside, I realize both Jesus and Buddhas’ original words have been corrupted through translation, politics, etc.

I have no need for dimwits trying to decide how many angels can fit on the head of a pin, or if Buddha sprang from the Lotus as an infant or a fully formed man.

All of that is noise.

If you want to stick with politics, have at it.
Is there a point here?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I went to a place today that had more nuts than Current Events!

Adcock Pecans in Tifton GA


Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Our New Testament was written in the 1st Century A.D.
So the theory goes but there are no extant copies of any part of the New Testsment prior to the mid 2nd century.

And more importantly, there are no extant versions of the entire New Testament prior to the 5th century A.D.

Also, the evidence is that the Catholic Church added to the 2nd century Gospels that have been discovered ... so a bit disconcerting in that respect.