Life Insurance/Beneficiary


New Member
My sister recently passed away and was an Account Mananger for UPS. She loved the company. After her passing, UPS has made it difficult to receive her benefits as a beneficiary. We are sure that she had a 401k, but not completely sure if she had life insurance... but if she did, we are 10000% that myself and my other sister are the beneficiary and would like to take care of our late sister’s 6 year old son. But UPS is stating that they are not able to send us her funds. So my question is what are the life insurance options for UPS? And what steps need to be taken? Thank you.


Staff member
This is just a guess of course, but MANY people never update their beneficiary on their life insurance. Does she have an ex? Could it still be in his name from long ago?

My other GUESS is that the 6 year old is the beneficiary, not you and your sister.

Anyhow, time to lawyer up. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
How long did she work at ups, because maybe she was entitled to some sort of pension and maybe had ups stock also.... you can private message @Monkey Butt (yes that’s his real user name, damn hippie!!) he would be the best one on here to guide you since he is retired management at the corporate office... btw, sorry about your sisters death and good for you guys trying to take care of your nephew...


New Member
Thanks for the replies guys. She’s been with UPS for a total of 7 years. Finally got a phone call today and they did confirm that my other sister is the beneficiary. So we are starting that process. But as far as her 401k, they requested a living will. But don’t the 401k request a beneficiary as well?


Huge Member
Sorry for your loss.

Life Insurance goes to the beneficiary but everything else goes through her estate. If you’re nephew’s father is still around, he could make things difficult for you two.

I don’t know the details and don’t need to. Without her will, you will need an attorney’s advice because a lot of information needs to be gathered.


KTM rider
Sorry for your loss.
You will not be given access to any of her assets until after her will goes through probate. If she does not have a will, then state law takes over.
Get an attorney or read your state's laws to see what happens when there is no will or try to search your sister's effects for a will.
Good luck.