You don't think the largest reason that there aren't more PT to FT conversions is the $42 billion in revenue a non union company (FDX) pulled in the last fiscal year? We are competing against a non union company that pays it's delivery workforce far less then what we pay our drivers.
Do I hear two-tiered wage system for new FT drivers in 2013?
I hope not... there will be more PT to FT as the worst of the managers go on a rampage of progressive discipline against the honest Teamsters (runners and gunners have a shot initially but even they grow older in due time).
What supervisors/managers do you think will get promoted if drivers have a two-tier wage scale? I don't think it will be the ones who can't bring themselves to be zealous about cutting labor costs with terminations. Your best prayer for weathering that storm if it comes to pass will be an OCS and center manager who are in terminal positions and not looking for promotions.
You think there is animosity now between drivers and part timers (not in all cases obviously but this thread is just one example). There will be animosity in the full time driver ranks if there is a two-tiered wage scale and rightfully so. Top scale drivers need to man up and advocate a wage cut or wage freeze if we feel we are paid too much.
It is isn't anything personal against you but you are one of (if not) the loudest top-scale Teamster voices in BC forums for a two-tier wage scale. My personal opinion (not worth anything except a voice and a vote) is that this is the selfish and cowardly position to take for drivers in our position. So, as another top scale driver, I am going to say that I think it is more selfless and courageous to advocate for a wage cut or wage freeze (as appropriate) if you feel top scale drivers are paid too high of a wage.
As for myself, I will NOT vote for a two-tier wage scale and will advocate for a wage cut or wage freeze (as appropriate) if the first offer has a two-tier wage scale. I could be persuaded to vote for a longer progression (no more than 5 years and not that many out of the gate) but I will not budge on a "No" vote for two-tier wage scale.
If the IBT recommends a "Yes" vote on a two-tier wage scale in an Early Vote than they are acknowledging that drivers wages are an issue (or they feel it is the best offer they can negotiate). Don't let the issue shoot the next guy through the door in the leg. Take a hit and solve the problem. We stand on the foundation poured by my father and the Teamsters before us. I'm not screwing my son and the Teamsters after us.
Then again, I am of the mind that part time wages along with health/welfare and pension contributions are a bigger concern than any wage increases for drivers. I wouldn't be surprised if the Company and IBT are of similar thinking except IBT knows who butters their bread and both of them know wage increases are the sugar that helps the medicine go down. Honestly, I don't see why top-scale drivers need anything more than COLA adjustments in most cases to begin with.
I understand the sentiment about it being a "part time" job. The pay needs to keep pace in my opinion with the larger labor market. Perhaps not in all labor markets but you can easily find employment and get hired at a better wage and benefit compensation package in the community where my Center is located. It was mentioned that today's new hire does not have as good of prospects for making full-time as many of us had when we started in most parts of the Company so that doesn't hold the same water it did even during the last negotiation (probably given as justification for taking benefits from part-timers). If not a wage increase, part timers should get some kind of COLA adjustments both for geography (as drivers already have) and over time as cost-of-living increase sor decreases. I do feel that the one year wait for insurance (coupled with the starting wage) does not have the best HR ramifications for staffing PT (or FT positions in the long run) but that isn't really my lane. To me, it is indicative of bigger problems in IBT and organized labor as a whole. I don't know details as it was before my time (I was in the military) but my understanding is that the '97 strike was due in part to injustices for part time employees of the Company.