Yes it has been addressed. Language has changed which means it has been addressed, apparently not to your satisfaction. How many members have you lost at a grievance panel over "other serious offenses"? I hope none because it's a silly, pile on, bogus charge UPS uses and responsible agents laugh at. Only TDU and weak locals have issues with it.
However in the non-UPS world "Cardinal" holds a much higher standard in arbitrations and was inserted as a measure to compel UPS to get "serious" with the usage. BTW the company regularly interprets all articles "loosely".
We haven't lost anybody, in regards to their employment, as a result of 17i (other serious offenses).
That being said, many of our members have lost many thou$and$ of dollars in lost wages due to a weak panel system and lack of fortitude by charged employees when the company throws their sheite against the wall to see if it sticks, knowing it wont.
Back pay is a myth in regards to 17i.
Return to work, discharge reduced to suspension, time served is the reality.
Cardinal?Serious?, it will make no difference in the world of UPS.
Your right, it's a silly, pile on, bogus charge that is interpreted loosely and it wont change until 17i is completely eliminated or specifically defined.
What idiot let it in the first place?
407, you liked Inthegame's above post.
How did it work out for you when you were discharged under this crap language?
How much money did it cost you?
Your agent is responsible and certainly not TDU, I man I respect very much.
Do you think changing it from serious to cardinal is really going to insulate you from the wrath of 17i at the Ohio Panel in the future?
I myself lost 9 days pay because of 17i for an infraction that clearly warranted nothing more than a warning letter, failure to follow instructions.
As a matter of fact, in the end, my discharge was reduced to a warning letter at the local level only when I agreed to release the company of any back pay liability.
So no Inthegame, it hasn't been "addressed to my satisfaction".