My Senior Picture
Not a chance in hell this will ever happen, short of a strike or lockout.
Spite doesn't change logistics or the ENORMOUS investment UPS has in Worldport.
Fred Z has a huge bargaining chip and is playing it to the fullest.
Good for him, and so far, good for me.
The pot has been sweetened as a result of our first NO VOTE in the Central Region.
I'll be voting no again.
How's that working out for you now? I'm not saying I've known about this all along but I've been posting this scenario since at least June. Just saying
It's working out fine.
Sent my NO VOTE in days ago.
Nothing has changed.
Worldport in Louisville is not and will not be downsized as a result of this contract.
We aren't going on strike.
We aren't going to be locked out.
When this is all settled, it will be business as usual.
UPS will continue to make record profits and its employees will reap the benefits of the members who had the heart and fortitude to stand up and VOTE NO.
This is undeniable even if this round of voting yields a ratified contract.
Your welcome.