Election of Officers
Section 2(a). At the International Convention, delegates shall nominate candidates for International Union Vice President by motion made in open Convention by a delegate and seconded by another delegate. No candidate shall make or second his own nomination. Candidates must accept floor nominations no later than at the time made. either in person or in writing. To qualify for the ballot as a candidate for Vice President, a candidate who has been nominated from the floor of the Convention must, thereafter, receive at least five (5%) percent of the votes cast by the delegates from the Region in which he is running or, in the case of at-large positions, by the delegate body as a whole. Such voting shall be conducted by secret ballot. In calculating the number of votes necessary for nomination for the ballot, any fraction shall be rounded to the next whole number. No member shall be a candidate for nomination to more than one (1) Vice President office.
You need to understand that rules govern the Teamsters convention and not your opinions. Besides, I really enjoy not telling you because I know it gets under your skin. Have a great day!