Looking Forward


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
If the railroad goes on strike this fall, this peak could be a wild one.
TOFC would end and long haul routes would multiply.
Not to mention the disruptions in getting bulk food products to manufacturing locations.
And the end products to the consumers.
A lot of those contracts were just settled with high percentage increass


Well-Known Member
I have definately been making less money the last two years during peak than the rest of the year. Last peak i had a helper everyday but saturday and would be done and sitting at my drop box waiting for an hour then drive in and get paid garunteed 8 almost everyday. We started saturday ground before last peak and didn't hire enough so alot of us had been forced 6 punch a few months leading into peak. So last peak they assigned what we had to deliver on Saturday (before they just told us go out for a couple hours atleast). The higher seniority drivers were FURIOUS they had to be out till 1 plus on saturdays meanwhile the rest of us just laughed and laughed since we were being forced full day 6th punch for a few months.