Looks like Gen. Flynn was framed.

  • “Statements or entries generally (a) . . . [W]hoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, [ 1 ] knowingly and willfully — (1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact; (2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or (3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry; shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 5 years.”


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Grenell declassifies names of Obama officials who ‘unmasked’ Flynn

Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell has decided to declassify information about Obama administration officials who were behind the “unmasking” of Michael Flynn -- whose calls with the former Russian ambassador during the presidential transition were picked up in surveillance and later leaked -- and their names could soon be made public, a source confirmed.

Sidney Powell, one of Flynn’s lawyers, told Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” that FBI agents did their best to hide their investigation and attempted to entrap Flynn. She mentioned a meeting on Jan. 5, 2017 at the White House that included Obama, then-FBI Director James Comey, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan.

Powell said the “whole thing was orchestrated and set up within the FBI, Clapper, Brennan and in the Oval Office meeting that day with President Obama,” she told anchor Maria Bartiromo.

Bartiromo asked Powell if she believed the scandal reached up to Obama, and Powell responded, “Absolutely.”


Well-Known Member
Thanks to Trump Iran is much closer to nukes and behaves more belligerent. So much winning.

because they sent us flowers and candy before trump? dude that was even dumber then your normal stuff.



Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Grenell declassifies names of Obama officials who ‘unmasked’ Flynn

Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell has decided to declassify information about Obama administration officials who were behind the “unmasking” of Michael Flynn -- whose calls with the former Russian ambassador during the presidential transition were picked up in surveillance and later leaked -- and their names could soon be made public, a source confirmed.
asked Powell if she believed the scandal reached up to Obama, and Powell responded, “Absolutely.”
You understand that "unmasking" just means a name was put to the voice dealing with the Russians illegally right??? You understand the administration that was in office at the time could do that right? That it was their prerogative right?
If Flynn didn't want to be named maybe he should have kept his ducking mouth shut and not be trying to swing deals with the Russians before fatarse was in office!!!

The lists show O had Flynn being watched since 2014.

Because he was being paid a shift ton of money by Turkey and refusing to let anyone know he was Turkey's whore? Because he thought he was above FARA laws!

Flynn sold out our country! And when caught copped a deal for pleading to a lesser charge and lesser penalties in exchange for providing the FBI with information, which he didn't do! The Judge even have he more time to do so!

In walks the single biggest tRump "fluffer" Barr and single handedly declares Flynn innocent, and drops all charges!


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
You all understand the president Barr is laying out right?

If the FBI has proof of anything, then goes and talks to the subject, that person can lie as much as they wish without any consequences because the interview has no meaning due to the FBI already knowing!

I Honestly don't know why I am so surprised!

Barr is working as the personal attorney for the single biggest liar in history!!


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!


Well-Known Member
You understand that "unmasking" just means a name was put to the voice dealing with the Russians illegally right??? You understand the administration that was in office at the time could do that right? That it was their prerogative right?
If Flynn didn't want to be named maybe he should have kept his ducking mouth shut and not be trying to swing deals with the Russians before fatarse was in office!!!

Because he was being paid a shift ton of money by Turkey and refusing to let anyone know he was Turkey's whore? Because he thought he was above FARA laws!

Flynn sold out our country! And when caught copped a deal for pleading to a lesser charge and lesser penalties in exchange for providing the FBI with information, which he didn't do! The Judge even have he more time to do so!

In walks the single biggest tRump "fluffer" Barr and single handedly declares Flynn innocent, and drops all charges!
How did he sell out our country? A lot of people in Washington work on behalf of foreign governments and a lot of them are unregistered. And unmasking depends on the situation. You can't normally unmask an American citizen when you're recording a foreigner our citizen is talking to. Requires a court order.


Well-Known Member
U.S. judge puts on hold Justice Department move to dismiss Flynn's guilty plea to hear outside groups' challenges

This could get GREAT!

Think about it! If Sullivan allowed outside councils (read the career prosecutors who left when Barr declared himself god both in the Stone are and in Flynn's) to come in and argue against the tRump succubus Sydney and Barr's lackeys it would literally be the greatest show on earth!
And he's already had an ethics complaint because of it. He wouldn't allow positive statements about Flynn to be entered into the record but now he's going to allow negative ones. Looks like Trump will have to pardon him and be done with it.


Well-Known Member
You understand that "unmasking" just means a name was put to the voice dealing with the Russians illegally right??? You understand the administration that was in office at the time could do that right? That it was their prerogative right?

That would be incorrect.
This is a long read, educate yourself.

Why is Obama Panicking Now? – The Importance of Understanding Political Surveillance In The Era of President Obama…

Because he was being paid a shift ton of money by Turkey and refusing to let anyone know he was Turkey's whore? Because he thought he was above FARA laws!

This would be incorrect as well.


Educate yourself.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
How did he sell out our country? A lot of people in Washington work on behalf of foreign governments and a lot of them are unregistered. And unmasking depends on the situation. You can't normally unmask an American citizen when you're recording a foreigner our citizen is talking to. Requires a court order.

What about, what about, what about...The other people (I'm sure there are others out there but I can't name them) who broke FARA law??? Next you'll be saying, "because McMicheal killed a black man I can too!"
Sally Yates went through the proper steps requesting to get the name! Or are you saying she didn't? Nice try through!

And he's already had an ethics complaint because of it. He wouldn't allow positive statements about Flynn to be entered into the record but now he's going to allow negative ones.

Anyone can file an ethics complaint. Now tell us the outcome of the complaint....yeah thought so!

Looks like Trump will have to pardon him and be done with it.

And here most of us, who actually use our heads, saw this as a naked attempt to prevent the president from the political blowback of doing exactly that!