Looks like Gen. Flynn was framed.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
I see you get your information from bought and paid for liberal legal analists.

What do you say we just wait and see how this plays out.
We'll see which of us has egg on their face.

I may be a jerk but I do have a speck of integrity left.

I agree with you, you are a jerk but your integrity is on par with old man jiggles!

So your "compromise" is to wait and see the results from the 2020 election to see if we get an actual Attorney General who will act honorably instead of "servicing" POTUS?


Well-Known Member
I agree with you, you are a jerk but your integrity is on par with old man jiggles!

So your "compromise" is to wait and see the results from the 2020 election to see if we get an actual Attorney General who will act honorably instead of "servicing" POTUS?
No, it wasn't a compromise, legal matters and investigations aren't concluded in an hour like on tv.
You impugn more than William Barr's integrity with your comments.

I'm just saying I may have a little more understanding of these types of matters than you.

I have no problem being patient as you guys go crazy.

I'll be around to wipe the egg off your faces, Lord willing.


Well-Known Member
The Deep State needed Flynn removed in order to continue their quest to railroad Trump.
It's that simple.
They knew Flynn would have access to their files and expose them for the crooks they are.
The FBI has a history of framing people for crimes that they never committed.
Meuller's conviction rate has always been based on threats and financial ruin, never on any real evidence.
Did you notice all the "alleged" Russians who Mueller said were involved had the charges dismissed.
Because they fought back and asked for their day in court.
And poor Mueller had nothing solid on any of them.
Why did Trump fire Flynn?


Well-Known Member
Flynn argues that the FBI had recordings and transcripts of his conversations with the Russian Ambassador, arguing that the FBI “knew exactly what was said” and “nothing impeded [the FBI’s] purported investigation.” Def.’s Sur-Surreply, ECF No. 135 at 12. The government responds that Mr. Flynn’s false statements were “absolutely material” because his false statements “went to the heart” of the FBI’s “counterintelligence investigation into whether individuals associated with the campaign of then candidate Donald J. Trump were coordinating with the Russian government in its activities to interfere with the 2016 presidential election.” Gov’t’s Surreply, ECF No. 132 at 10.



Inordinately Right
Flynn argues that the FBI had recordings and transcripts of his conversations with the Russian Ambassador, arguing that the FBI “knew exactly what was said” and “nothing impeded [the FBI’s] purported investigation.” Def.’s Sur-Surreply, ECF No. 135 at 12. The government responds that Mr. Flynn’s false statements were “absolutely material” because his false statements “went to the heart” of the FBI’s “counterintelligence investigation into whether individuals associated with the campaign of then candidate Donald J. Trump were coordinating with the Russian government in its activities to interfere with the 2016 presidential election.” Gov’t’s Surreply, ECF No. 132 at 10.

You're quoting a hard leftist author whose Trump Derangement Syndrome is so bad, she broke the cardinal rule of journalism, revealed a confidential source, and thereby actually became a witness and shill for Robert Mueller's failed coup attempt.



Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
I'll be around to wipe the egg off your faces, Lord willing.

Second time this week you have tried invoking your brand of "religion" to morally justify what's being done in Washington. As a practicing Christian I find this repugnant!


Well-Known Member
Second time this week you have tried invoking your brand of "religion" to morally justify what's being done in Washington. As a practicing Christian I find this repugnant!
No religion invoked, it had nothing to do with Washington, it only had to do with my health.

If you are a Christian you understand exactly what I meant.


Well-Known Member
Let me help you, the official white house line was, "for lying to Vice President Pense!"

Exactly, like I said, "you won't find the answer here however."

If that is the true answer for his firing, please explain the recent statements of Trump and Pence.


Well-Known Member
Second time this week you have tried invoking your brand of "religion" to morally justify what's being done in Washington. As a practicing Christian I find this repugnant!
A Christian who calls everyone a liar, etc? Supports abortion? I think you need more practice.


Well-Known Member
James Comey and the dems had an outsider in the presidency. They thought they could take advantage of Trumps political ignorance and coup de tat his ass out of office. Flynn as a straight shooter who previously did not toe the Obama party line was a threat to exposing all the dishonesty in the intelligence community. They were almost successful. But Trump knew Comey did not pass his loyalty test and dumped his ass. 3.5 miserably painful years later the grim reaper is about to expose the sordid deeds of the deep state that fought to preserve the status quo. Schumers warning to Trump that intelligence communities have six ways from sunday to get back at you has been very prophetic. Trump may still lose this war and if he does he will not be reelected but he is in a much better position then he was 3 years ago when most of the deep state had the leverage to make his life miserable. As a libertarian leaning conservative who despises many of Trumps personality flaws but recognizes he may be the closest thing we have to restoring a small bit of sanity to our otherwise corrupt government process i pray that he is able to be successful in fighting the incredible odds and opposition against him. He is not the cure but he can be the dike that blocks or slows down the bleeding.


Well-Known Member
James Comey and the dems had an outsider in the presidency. They thought they could take advantage of Trumps political ignorance and coup de tat his ass out of office. Flynn as a straight shooter who previously did not toe the Obama party line was a threat to exposing all the dishonesty in the intelligence community. They were almost successful. But Trump knew Comey did not pass his loyalty test and dumped his ass. 3.5 miserably painful years later the grim reaper is about to expose the sordid deeds of the deep state that fought to preserve the status quo. Schumers warning to Trump that intelligence communities have six ways from sunday to get back at you has been very prophetic. Trump may still lose this war and if he does he will not be reelected but he is in a much better position then he was 3 years ago when most of the deep state had the leverage to make his life miserable. As a libertarian leaning conservative who despises many of Trumps personality flaws but recognizes he may be the closest thing we have to restoring a small bit of sanity to our otherwise corrupt government process i pray that he is able to be successful in fighting the incredible odds and opposition against him. He is not the cure but he can be the dike that blocks or slows down the bleeding.
As there's a possibility that he won't be re-elected it's more than likely that indictments and prosecutions will go into overdrive this summer. He'll want to show what was done to help his chances of getting reelected, and he'll want revenge. His MO is always to fight back and if there's a solid chance to prosecute and convict anyone better believe there won't be excuses for them like Comey did for Hillary. Wouldn't even be surprised to see Obama indicted if there's a trail back to him.


Strength through joy
For those who have forgotten their history, it didn't matter who won in 2016. Comey had screwed both side over and knew he was in trouble, luckily for him Trump won and he was only fired.


Well-Known Member
Flynn, along with Jared and Erik Prince, was working with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak to set up a back-channel for donald and his staff to be able to communicate with the Russian government in a way that would bypass the U.S. national security bureaucracy.


Well-Known Member
As there's a possibility that he won't be re-elected it's more than likely that indictments and prosecutions will go into overdrive this summer. He'll want to show what was done to help his chances of getting reelected, and he'll want revenge. His MO is always to fight back and if there's a solid chance to prosecute and convict anyone better believe there won't be excuses for them like Comey did for Hillary. Wouldn't even be surprised to see Obama indicted if there's a trail back to him.

prosecution of Obama is too much to hope for . the president has broad powers to do as he sees fit. If Obama was behind it and he may have been there will be a tarnish on his presidency. If its revealed to be corrupt enough to result in sweeping reforms on presidential power then his legacy will be a future weakening of the presidency. That in itself would be significant.


nowhere special
prosecution of Obama is too much to hope for . the president has broad powers to do as he sees fit. If Obama was behind it and he may have been there will be a tarnish on his presidency. If its revealed to be corrupt enough to result in sweeping reforms on presidential power then his legacy will be a future weakening of the presidency. That in itself would be significant.
It was worse than Watergate but Obama had the media protecting his backside. And Holder as his wingman.


Well-Known Member
For those who have forgotten their history, it didn't matter who won in 2016. Comey had screwed both side over and knew he was in trouble, luckily for him Trump won and he was only fired.

Whats going to be interesting to me is what happened in the 20 day period between when the FBI wanted to shut down the Flynn investigation and when they showed up at Flynns office to contrive the perjury charges. Who met and what was discussed. Was Obama involved in those meetings. Durham should be able to shed some light on that.


Well-Known Member
prosecution of Obama is too much to hope for . the president has broad powers to do as he sees fit. If Obama was behind it and he may have been there will be a tarnish on his presidency. If its revealed to be corrupt enough to result in sweeping reforms on presidential power then his legacy will be a future weakening of the presidency. That in itself would be significant.
What Comey did for HRC? How about his announcing the re-opening of the email investigation a week before the election?