Loss of accrued vacation on workers comp


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I've been out of work since July 12. Looking through the packet from HR, it says "for each additional 30 days of leave beyond 60 days of a fiscal year, an employee loses 1 month of vacation accrual."

Can anyone explain what this means? I currently have 3 weeks, first time bidding 3 was last year. My 5 year mark was October 2015.

Call someone in HR at the district office.


Well-Known Member
I think basically your "years of service" stops when you are out(after you burn your vacations I think)
So lets say you've been at FDX for 10 yrs, and at some point you were out for 6months.
You vacation accrual will reflect 9.5years of service.

So will I lose some of my 3 weeks I have now? Or will it take longer to get to my 4th week?

By The Book

Well-Known Member
I think basically your "years of service" stops when you are out(after you burn your vacations I think)
So lets say you've been at FDX for 10 yrs, and at some point you were out for 6months.
You vacation accrual will reflect 9.5years of service.
I would think the vacation accrual would stop but not the years of service.


Well-Known Member
Based on your years of service you accrue a certain number of vacation hours each month for the following fiscal year( only 10 month count). It is available in PRISM under VACCALC or something like that. You probably earn about 12 hours/month. So if you were out 6 months, then you lost 12*4=48 hours. These are not exact numbers of course, but I think you get the idea.

We have a couple of employees who went overseas on deployment, and they lost their accrued vacation time for the following year. One had to work more than a year before he got any vacation once he returned from Afghanistan.


Well-Known Member
No kidding, eh? Thanks for protecting us, going through a tour in hell. Now get back to work and maybe we'll give you some time off in two years.

USERRA requires employers to hold their jobs while they are deployed but says nothing about requiring them to accrue paid time off as though they were still working.


Well-Known Member
USERRA requires employers to hold their jobs while they are deployed but says nothing about requiring them to accrue paid time off as though they were still working.
I'm sorry but if someone volunteers to go to another country, willing to die for my protection and freedoms, the least I could do, as an employer is throw them a bone and give them a week or two of vacation. They've earned it.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but if someone volunteers to go to another country, willing to die for my protection and freedoms, the least I could do, as an employer is throw them a bone and give them a week or two of vacation. They've earned it.

Why stop there? Why not offer 12 weeks of paid time off for new mothers?

Route 66

Slapped Upside-da-Head Member
That's the way to treat our veterans!
Why stop there? Why not offer 12 weeks of paid time off for new mothers?[
New mothers are only taking care of one new ass. Those guys are taking care of all of ours.
Leave it to FedEx to only give what's required and not what's right.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but if someone volunteers to go to another country, willing to die for my protection and freedoms, the least I could do, as an employer is throw them a bone and give them a week or two of vacation. They've earned it.
I'm not saying I disagree with you. We have 3 couriers in the Armed Forces in my current station and I worked with a few more in the other 2 I was in, and I have thanked each and every one of them.
My question is, how many companies do you know of that will still allow them to accrue vacation time while deployed?


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying I disagree with you. We have 3 couriers in the Armed Forces in my current station and I worked with a few more in the other 2 I was in, and I have thanked each and every one of them.
My question is, how many companies do you know of that will still allow them to accrue vacation time while deployed?

Other than Google? None.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying I disagree with you. We have 3 couriers in the Armed Forces in my current station and I worked with a few more in the other 2 I was in, and I have thanked each and every one of them.
My question is, how many companies do you know of that will still allow them to accrue vacation time while deployed?
Shouldn't we expect more from a company that praises itself for being a "people company"?


Well-Known Member
Well I'm not sure, I know that there are several employees with lower employee numbers than me, and I have more vacation seniority... I don't know their stories, perhaps they quit and were rehired.
And I did mean years of service pertaining to the amount of vacation accrued
I would think the vacation accrual would stop but not the years of service.