Oh Yeah
RUN-DMC - Rock Box - YouTube. Now this is when the real rap days were around boyz lol.
Del the funky homosapien, not 80's but early ninetiesRUN-DMC - Rock Box - YouTube. Now this is when the real rap days were around boyz lol.
Ya snooze, ya lose...I was gonna post that this morning
Every time abag walks into a bar with his sun glasses on and collar popped I think of this song.
richard marx - endless summer nights - YouTubeI will admit I like mullets.
I loved the amount of tenor sax featured in the 80's.
Really!!! Come on!!!! You can do waaaayyyyy better than that!I think I need a beer now!I didn't want to post it.
Iconic Video from 1982
regardless of what you think about him, it was a damn good video!
Much better! Im proud of you! I wont hold that one lapse of bad judgement against you!!I will ask the question and please don't hold back...should I stay or should I go?
Vincent Price Laugh - YouTubeI agree.
Iconic...Vincent Price, moved video production to an art form
I think he checked the..OTHER box! or the pervert box! or both of them!!OMG, Micheal used to be black?????