It's a contract violation and it affects us all. Guys skipping lunch allows fewer routes which ultimately means fewer bottom seniority guys getting work and fellow drivers having to do more when routes are cut.
Still not that important to me and never will be. My dispatch range hasn't changed in 4+ years.
First, I could care less about the bottom seniority guys (sorry guys, I've been there) because the top guys don't give 2 craps about me. I've been driving for 15 years and can't get a July or August vacation because all the top guys take all 6 weeks during these months. This is fine but don't expect me to have any sympathy for anyone below me on the list.
Second, when routes are out more work=more money. Do people forget that we get paid by the hour? And the extra work we get is paid at 1.5 times our pay rate which is $49.44/hour. We all know going in this isn't a 9-5 job.
And lastly, in the center I work, I can think of maybe 1 or 2 lunch skippers out of 65 drivers. Not even close enough for it to make a difference if what you say I true.