Lunch skippers


Staff member
Guys who skip lunch can take out more stops. More stops on lunch skipper cars means less routes. DUH!!!!
They don't plan the routes that way, it's more based on revenue vs the labor costs. It's a fairly common fallacy that that they will just put in more routes if everyone takes their lunch.

Coca Cola Delivery Man87

Well-Known Member
It's a contract violation and it affects us all. Guys skipping lunch allows fewer routes which ultimately means fewer bottom seniority guys getting work and fellow drivers having to do more when routes are cut.

lmao,I bet you have little to no "friends" at work...hahahahaha.I'm glad you work for UPS and not Coke(or at least not the coke plant I'm drafted too)


Man of Great Wisdom
Number of routes is based on volume, skipping lunch has nothing to do with it. If you take your lunch you'll just work a little later than you would if you skipped it, they're not going to add a route.
Ya think. I have a trained parrot that says lunch and break repeatedly that disagrees.


Staff member
Let everybody take their lunch everyday, and see what happens...........oh wait too many suckasses to do that. I stand corrected!
What would happen is that the people who had been skipping lunch would work a little later and they would turn up the heat even more on the least best drivers in each center.
What would happen is that the people who had been skipping lunch would work a little later and they would turn up the heat even more on the least best drivers in each center.
Opt In and taking lunches has kept a few routes in, atleast where I am at!....still hasnt given me a vote, but we do keep a few routes in!


Well-Known Member
It's a contract violation and it affects us all. Guys skipping lunch allows fewer routes which ultimately means fewer bottom seniority guys getting work and fellow drivers having to do more when routes are cut.

That is a total myth. I.E. gives the center the stops per car # depending on volume and its the center's job to find the appropriate routes to cut to make that #. Lunch skippers have nothing to do with it.


Well-Known Member
It's a contract violation and it affects us all. Guys skipping lunch allows fewer routes which ultimately means fewer bottom seniority guys getting work and fellow drivers having to do more when routes are cut.
Still not that important to me and never will be. My dispatch range hasn't changed in 4+ years.

First, I could care less about the bottom seniority guys (sorry guys, I've been there) because the top guys don't give 2 craps about me. I've been driving for 15 years and can't get a July or August vacation because all the top guys take all 6 weeks during these months. This is fine but don't expect me to have any sympathy for anyone below me on the list.

Second, when routes are out more work=more money. Do people forget that we get paid by the hour? And the extra work we get is paid at 1.5 times our pay rate which is $49.44/hour. We all know going in this isn't a 9-5 job.

And lastly, in the center I work, I can think of maybe 1 or 2 lunch skippers out of 65 drivers. Not even close enough for it to make a difference if what you say I true.


All Trash No Trailer
In my center the Lunch Skippers are the guys who have kids in Baseball/football and will kill themselves to make the games.
They are also the ones who get a much heavier dispatch as management KNOWS they will knock it out to get done.

I am ALWAYS amused when these guys bitch piss and moan every morning,and are MAD about the dispatch they have. it's even MORE amusing when they say things like " my supervisor KNOWS I need to be off early,and i have 25 stops from another route!!!"

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
That is a total myth. I.E. gives the center the stops per car # depending on volume and its the center's job to find the appropriate routes to cut to make that #. Lunch skippers have nothing to do with it.

Not true. The stops per car metric is partly based on historicals and historicals are directly affected by drivers that work an hour for free every day or even just several days per week. When 30 stops/hour disappear into the one hour void left by those selfish drivers it does affect dispatches. Plus, the bean counters know which centers they can stick it too. They know who is skipping lunches. Just because corporate doesn't say anything about the issue (let alone enforce it) doesn't mean they don't know about it and aren't exploiting it.
Still not that important to me and never will be. My dispatch range hasn't changed in 4+ years.

First, I could care less about the bottom seniority guys (sorry guys, I've been there) because the top guys don't give 2 craps about me. I've been driving for 15 years and can't get a July or August vacation because all the top guys take all 6 weeks during these months. This is fine but don't expect me to have any sympathy for anyone below me on the list.

Second, when routes are out more work=more money. Do people forget that we get paid by the hour? And the extra work we get is paid at 1.5 times our pay rate which is $49.44/hour. We all know going in this isn't a 9-5 job.

I agree with the part about knowing that this isn't a 9-5 job but that and the pay in no way justifies what the contract violators...uh....lunch skippers are doing.

And lastly, in the center I work, I can think of maybe 1 or 2 lunch skippers out of 65 drivers. Not even close enough for it to make a difference if what you say I true.

I call BS on that. There is no way for me to prove it and no way for you to disprove it short of obtaining a copy of your center's reports so that we can all see what times each and every driver recorded their lunches and whether or not they stopped completed anything during those times. However, I do think it's pretty safe to assume that if you were able to take a peak at those reports everyday you'd probably see that allot more than 1 or 2 of those 65 drivers are being dishonest. If not....I wish my center was like yours. Truly.
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swollen member
Here's a question, what do I tell the lunch skippers that come in at the end of the day and tell OMS to add an hour of lunch to their timecard, then go home?