youd be WAY more SOL than me in this situation. why you advocate for slamming someone for being a human being cause your self worth is tied up into it.
You really want to do this?
OK, let's go.
i bet u thought your 170 pieces in package car was rough
Spent 10 years delivering 500 and picking up 600. I wouldn't say it was a piece of cake, but kept me in shape.
I could do 170 blindfolded.
prolly havnt ever been on the pike
Mileage job. 3070 mi/wk.
i OWN my own magliner hand truck
Does that make you a man?
no accidents besides high hooking a dolley here n there
High hooking here n there? How many times is here n there?
Most people learn the first time, I guess you're too busy burning up routes to worry about doing it by the methods.
got really defensive because im burning up routes left n right
To hell with safety and the methods. Run hard and burn up every route.
cussed out the sup cause i was being badgered
Cussed out the Sup and you wondered why they fired you for stealing, and wouldn't cut you some slack?
cussed out the stewart because i didnt get to talk to him before
So, after pissing off the Company, you now piss of the Union?
You're brilliant.
i kinda caused a scene....
Ya think?
other driver told me about getting that last load and it being tight
So it now comes out. You knew you could be getting that last load, that sort down load, and that it was tight. But you said it took you 2.5 hours of CS to realize that you DID get that last load, that load that the other driver told you that you could get.
You lost track of time for 2.5 hours? I call BS and so did the Company.
if this was a recurring situation i could see the issue.
Again, you think it is OK to steal just ONE time.
im obvi going to slow down, but if im in the same situation.. id have to hammer either way because its tight.
Again, there is more to the story. You normally hammer, but this time you deliberately slowed down, even when you knew it was tight and that you may not make it even if you hammered.
You slowed down, took a meal on the way back, trailers missed the sort and you wonder why you got fired?
either way i fked up with the meal. if i didnt meal from 2nd leg to third. and did it while i was at the 2nd leg hub then they wouldnt have been able to say anything..
So, you do know the methods and do know what you should have done. But you elected not to follow the methods or your schedule, and then wondered why you got fired?
"why didnt you take meal at second leg?" "lost track of time"
Lost track of time for 2.5 hours? I call BS. You knew exactly what you were doing.
upheld discharge. and now its because i didnt go on meal while waiting for trailer. buddy reminded me you have to be on duty while getting loaded
Wait a minute. You said you lost track of time as to why you did not meal. Now you're saying that a buddy told you that you need to be on duty while your trailer is loaded.
You never had any intention of taking a meal. You even quoted, I mean incorrectly quoted, FMCSA Regulations thinking that you are to remain on the clock while being loaded.
You told the Company you lost track of time as to why you did not meal. You should have also been fired for dishonesty. You lied to the Company. You had every intention of staying on the clock the whole time, and taking your meal on the way back.
upheld discharge. and now its because i didnt go on meal while waiting for trailer. buddy reminded me you have to be on duty while getting loaded.. jeeze
Again, you never had any intention of taking your meal, yet you told the Company that you did not take a meal because you lost track of time. Dishonesty is a Cardinal sin, immediate discharge.
the one steward who i rarely see also mentioned "liability because of how i drive
Yep. You hammer all the time, except this time, when it is tight getting the trailers to make the sort. This time you slow down and don't hammer and wonder why the Company wanted to get rid of you.
someone/people didnt like me so i got fked over. the end.
You cussed out a Sup, cussed out the Union, drove like a maniac, stole from your employer, lied to your employer, had trailers miss the sort, high hooked on several occasions and now wonder why you supposedly got fked?
and i think the schedule on that larger mileage run is scheduled meal after second leg or at second leg which would put it past the 6th hour..
Now you're blaming the schedule? You tried to blame your buddy for telling you that you get paid while being loaded. That didn't work so you try something else.
its extras and the extra time is me waiting for them to finish the trailer
Waiting 2.5 hours for them to finish the trailer and not taking your meal during that time, a meal that is scheduled to be taken on that leg? And then taking a meal on the way back missing the sort. And you wonder why you got fired.
get a union job they said. you will be protected they said
It's hard to protect a thief, it's hard to get a thief their job back.
"bye-bye" ur so

I still have a job....Do you?