Major Bridge collapse in St. Paul MN


Well-Known Member
Sammie,, Your definition of "structurally deficient" is incorrect and misleading.

A one lane bridge is defined as structurally deficient.

A bridge that doesn't give a driver a clear view of it being there, such as when it's immediately around a sharp curve in the road is defined as structurally deficient.

A bridge which is suficient for current traffic, but wil not be sufficient for projected future traffic is defined as structurally deficient.

The vast majority of those 77,000 bridges you refered to are small one lane bridges, or bridges over small streams on curvey country back roads.

A bridge classified as structurally deficient does not necessarly mean the bridge is in immediate danger of falling down, as in the case of the I35 bridge in Mn..

Let's see...hmmm. Bridge 9340, the I-35W bridge that collapsed, was deemed "Structurally deficient" in 2005.

I've been across that bridge many times...I don't remember it as being:

"A one lane bridge..."

"A bridge that doesn't give a driver a clear view..."

"A bridge that is sufficient for current traffic..." (Traffic was gridlocked!)

"...or bridges over small streams or curvey country back roads."

This bridge WAS declared structurally deficient and evidently WAS in immediate danger of falling down!!!!

GEEZ!!! Semantics!!!

My heart goes out to all victims and families...REGARDLESS OF THE TERMS USED!!!!


Active Member
Knowing UPS, they probably classified this as an avoidable accident.

Another scud from the deep dark unknown of the board. Its not all about the differences among us here all the time. Those folks are suffering right now and all u can do is stir the pot?

If you are not man/woman enough to register keep your ugly thoughts to yourself. And do something positive, get on your knees and pray for the people involved in this horrific event.