Make your pick NOW...Who will make it to the SUPERBOWL?


Well-Known Member
Sea 27
Chi 17
You will see a different Seattle offense and a much improved defense.

NE 31
NY 17
You will see Brady ...need I say more?


OMG! Who'da thunk it? The Jets ahead at half time. Can they hold on for the second big upset in as many weekends?:dont_know: Maybe.............


Staff member
Next weekend the fat foot fetish man and his foul mouthed minions will take on Ben Rapistberger. I can't bring myself to root for either one. Green Bay is the only team left for me, so they better win it all.


Staff member
Chicago will take Green Bay out Monday night. Watch closely and see how it's done . Doesn't matter though. NFC Championship's going through Chicago this year.

Ok. Back in September it was all Homer-like bluster. Just happens that it works out that way.


Staff member
I hate to keep coming back to this, but NFC North over-rated? After seeing both the Pack and Bears (where the hell was the "D") win and how the Pack hung with the Pats, I really wonder. Next week should tell all. (Duh! it is the end of the regular season after all.) But one thing I'll say: I think I enjoy the parity this year has had. I love having the entire season mean something for so many teams.

Ah, yes. NFC North over-rated. And for the NFC championship it is, representing the NFC South...oh. West? (yeah right), East? (sitting home this year) Oh, my two teams atop tne aforementioned over-rated NFC North. Hmmmm. Been a very strange year.