Maps are gone and I don’t care


Well-Known Member
This isn’t really map nav. This is a different screen where all the stops are plotted on a map and you can just click on it. Didn’t really use it, couldn’t care less if it’s gone, or if it ever comes back, I make the same rate per hour either way.
Never used map nav/turn by turn, but the Map tab on DIAD 6 was useful. Sure wish I had it running routes cold when I was cover.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Took me a bit to get used to it, but after a while, you just say :censored2: it. You figure it out eventually….. or you don’t. I used to hear all the time this job’s not for everyone.
No it’s not. Only hard core knot heads that appreciate the money and benefits for their families.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
“Give us a call later in the afternoon let us know how you are doing” or “I will meet you at blah and blah in the afternoon” which usually never happened.
All lies. I remember one time I was slammed, they said they would send help later. They asked me to help out someone else! 🤣 Can’t make it up.