Mask Detection, and Temperature Scanners Coming to UPS???

A friend of Mine currently works for DHL in LA. He just told me that DHL is bringing in a company that provides facial recognition technology, with mask screening, and temperature screeners. This is pretty awesome in my opinion, it's crazy to me we don't already have something in place like this. We've got 100's of thousand of employees working on top of each other, it would be nice if they cared enough to keep our safety in mind. The company is called Robotic Assistance Devices. Has any one seen one of these yet? Check this * out: Robotic Assistance Devices Supposedly they're all over L.A. View attachment 324787
stay home, quit work, be safe forever.


Well-Known Member
UPS will never implement tech that makes them send you home. This is their attitude.


Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I love that you changed your post so it deleted my responses.
#1 Do you have the right to challenge the machine's information? We challenge everything the company throws at us.
#2 Should you have to? ......... Do you want to? If you feel you are being targeted you should.
#3 Let's say you naturally run at a higher than normal temperature? lets say you do
#4 Do you have to prove that? Probably, unless you like going home.
If you have stainless steel implants are you required to prove it when you go through a metal detector?
#5 Why is it their business? Because it's their company "business" why wouldn't they want to know who is coming to work sick and infecting others.
I'd like you to go on about the privacy concerns. What are they?
What's the level of invasion and where does it sit, and on what scale?
Union could turn it around and demand no customer interface unless temps taken first. Driver has the same right to protect himself from a contagious customer as from contagious coworker.