Watch this and you may never watch ANY TV news the same again!
Like my signature says,...
Fox News Channel's new Motto:
"We alter reality. You are sold a preconceived narrative."
As usual, your well conceived point goes un-challenged.....
bho was in 1990 elected the first black president of the Harvard Law Review , not editor .
Since no one has ever seen his school records, for some strange reason, defending him is useless.
{ IMHO it's because he listed himself as a foreign student, much easier to obtain scholarships }
thank you, my error
bho was in 1990 elected the first half black president of the Harvard Law Review, not editor.
President/Editor-in-Chief of Law Reviews are one in the same......Sort of like calling Richard...."Dick"

You failed !
BTW Moreluck/BaBa....If a young unknown Obama stumbled upon a KKK Rally, just by phyiscal appearance, do you think those jobbers would consider him half black ?
I wouldn't say that the claims are exaggerated if you look at who comprises the American voters. I do agree that repealing the law is a real stretch. After all, it is the people we voted in who would have to repeal the law. I think there is a better chance for the state lawsuits (of which my state is a part of) to win in the Supreme Ct. I am also hopeful that come November people who support repeal are elected to help stop the funding of this law that will bankrupt our country.
What galls me about certain posters is there BLIND support for BO and Congress. I think you need to be a critical thinker when it comes to politics. You need to look past all the hype and look at actions not talk. You need to be cognizant of future ramifications of actions taken. You also need to look at historical events and how policies shaped the past to see what impact these policies might affect the future.
I have been around a lot of left wing and right wing thinkers. They completely discount the other sides point of view. To them there is no other side except wacko! Most of us are in the middle and we are watching the American dream slip away for us and our children and their children. I feel very comfortable in saying that most independents who voted for Obama did not sign on for any of this. Obama talks a centrist game and acts in an ultra liberal to liberal fashion. He does just enough in the centrist arena to keep centrists at bay. Look at his actions and the people he surrounds himself with. He is socializing America in a slow and very deliberate fashion which will do irreparable harm to this country within next 3-8 years. Your first indication will be inflation - and rising interest rates and higher taxes for the 53% who pay taxes. The other 47% don't care because they are getting everything handed to them.
A lot of the members of Congress are concerned with only two things ... raising a war chest and getting re-elected. A Rasmussen poll conducted mid March showed that only 11% of the people polled thought that Congress is doing a good to excellent job. My guess is that most of them are far left liberals. 64% think that Congress is doing a poor job. Based on the kool-aid I read from Diesel I think he is in the top 4% of the left left wing. This is only my opinion.
It's not blind support for Obama and Congress as much as squashing myths, lies, and fairy tales of the hysterical Rt Wingers. The vile attacks of Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Frank, and other members of Congress are a product of the Rights mouthpieces in the form of Conservative talk radio-heads, Sarah Palin, and Fox News Media giant, and not the actual "movers and shakers" puppets elected in GOP positions. The Talking-Heads call the shots, elected GOP'er's don't dare cross them, or suffer their wrath...These Neo-Con facilitaters are like fighting Pit Bull owners and have all Rt Wingers shaken up and rabidly foaming at the mouth. Their pre-fight methods of riling up these Conservative dogs are all based on fear, hype, and speculation, with and insatiable appetite for re-accuiring power at any means neccessary, even if that means we fail as a country. Very un-American....
Rant on:
This is what i dont understand about some people. Should you not be upset that you work hard for your money and yet you get penalized by the Govt for being sucessful. The more our govt gives to the freeloaders the more they will take and there is no reason for them to get a decent education and job to be a productive member of society. It is like the govt wants to keep the lower income people slavery. Instead of handouts how about a hand up. Also if this VAT happens it will actually hurt the poor class more but im guessing in the end there will be something else from the Govt will give to the lower income people to make up for it. Does it not make sense to get a good education, learn a skill and get a decent job. Seems like that would better money spent on Americas future. If our current govt keeps going in this socialist direction then it will be more like 50% dont pay taxes and the other 50% will and it will be an even higher percentage...again your penalized for being successful.

Rant off...
Poor li'l Lue, angry that our government provides welfare to middle class and poor citizens. That’s
, where the government taxes one in accordance with the ability to pay and then gives to another. Wow, that’s Karl Marxism, isn’t it? "That’s godless Communism". "That’s un-American!" "Poor people are just lazy!"

"Middle class people in need have made poor decisions or failed to plan correctly".

"Why would any American be forced at the point of a gun to help these freeloaders ?"
But does the Tea Party/Limited Gov't mentality care the same about corporate welfare? I’ve seen the protests on FOX News over health care reform. I’ve seen the protests against big Gov't. But why are the "pretenders" silent on the issue of corporate welfare when corporate welfare dwarfs the amount of tax dollars spent on citizen welfare?
Investment Bankers received billions in corporate welfare and yet, there were no Tea Party protest on Wall Street. U.S. sugar corporations for example, receive millions of dollars in subsidies year after year every, but I have yet to see the Tea Party protest at the mansions of the sugar C.E.O.’s. When the Patriot Act was signed into law, there was no Tea Party protest asking if anyone read the bill
. When that bill resulted in billions of new tax payer dollars being spent by private corporations on questionable and possibly fraudulent means, there was no Tea Party protests in front of Blackwater or Halliburton (Cheney) corporations. Apparently, the Tea Party does not mind being forced at the point of a gun to help these kinds of people
To summarize the position of the "so called" fiscally Conservatives on government welfare; using their tax dollars to help a five year old cancer victim receive adequate care is godless pinko commie socialism but using their tax dollars to help fund endless wars, foriegn occupation, and a Wall Street banker make the payment on his Ferrari is just the good old free market making sure to keep the American Dream alive!
So why is the Tea Party/Limited Gov't fakers, a group comprised of mostly poor and middle class individuals protesting against what is in their own self interest and ignoring that which is clearly not in their best interest? I have two theories.
The first possible cause is the information source that the Tea Party and most of Americans use or are unwittingly subjected to each day as WKMAC pointed out. Nearly all major media is owned by a few corporations. It is reasonable to assume that, while corporations compete with each other for market share, they cooperate with each other as they share mutual interests of the public’s approval of corporations. We are told that corporations are our friends and we are the shareholders own out little 401K's! Never mind that most corporations is owned by few of us, all in an effort dismissing any negative comments as commie pinko socialism.
Secondly the middle class/poor "fiscal Conservatives" who send their meager earnings, supporting the rich over the poor, because they imagine that some day, they too will be rich, as that is the promise of The American Dream, a message that is preached to them each day from the corporation owned media. They are told by this corporate media that the major obstacle keeping them from this dream are the high taxes at the point of a gun for government spending on lazy people. The decisons of corporations to send jobs overseas, to rig the investment market so only the wealthy can prosper, to infiltrate our govenement at every level to control our nation for the benefit of the wealthy have no impact on anyone reaching that dream. And what about the high taxes that wind up in the pockes of corporate billionaires? Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain...with his own Kool-Aid stand...