McCain Supporters show their intelligence levels!!


Well-Known Member
This article was fair and balanced. I'm glad you read it other side.Thus, yes the republicans blew it, but as the article points out Obama has many holes(lies) in his tax plan...So, I hope your not believing Bama's tax system is gonna walk on water...The system really hurts new jobs created by small business...And 80% of new jobs are created by small business....Where is the trillion $ going to come from?..

It didn't seem very balanced to me. I'm betting TOS went straight for republican part. I pretty sure it was a push not to vote Democrat this year.

I do agree with Republican part too. If republican politicians stuck with their core beliefs we wouldn't be in as big of mess as we are now. Our Government has almost become a separate entity from the people. It's too big and too divided in itself. We need change alright, but first this country needs to wake up and see that is not a Democrat or Republican problem, but our Government as a whole (of course I'm the one who's dreaming if I ever expect that to actually happen).

I'd say, with either candidate, in the long run were all :censored2::censored2::censored2::censored2::censored2::censored2:ed. But in this day an age an all Liberal Government will cause the worst ass raping this country has ever seen.

This is my favorite part:
One interesting point: If Barack Obama was applying for a security clearance as a government employee, these associations would disqualify him. We are, my friends, about to have a president who doesn't qualify for a security clearance. Pretty pathetic. If Barack Obama becomes president, he would not even qualify to be his own bodyguard.

Here's another winner:
I'm a lawyer, and I've always had this strange idea that the U.S. Supreme Court should base its decisions on the supreme law of our land, our Constitution. Many people think differently these days. A recent and rather shocking survey showed that around 80% of people who support Barack Obama believe that the Supreme Court should base its decisions not on the Constitution, but on what's "fair." Egad! On the other hand, the strong majority of McCain voters believe that the Supremes should look to our Constitution as the final authority.

Let's just make this short and sweet, because I know you want to get out of here. If Barack Obama gets those two nominations, and if the Democrat Senate rubber-stamps them, then we are going to have a Supreme Court making decisions based on their liberal definition of "fairness" with some consideration to foreign court decisions tossed in. This is perhaps Obama's greatest opportunity to do permanent damage to our Republic; permanent and irreparable damage. It's one thing when Barack Obama talks about wealth seizure and redistribution in terms of "fairness." It's quite another when that talk is legitimized by a Supreme Court decision.
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Well-Known Member
You (the other side) have no business trying to tie anyone in this forum with the comments you made. Your posts seem to continue to have an underlying thread that Republicans are racists. If we are against BO than we are racist. You are COMPLETELY out of bounds by this inappropriate line of posting.
You need to come out strong now and completely disavow those sentiments as well as apologize to the McCain supporters on this forum.

If you do not make a public apology and disavow those comments, I will support canceling your membership in this forum.

Crap I just learned a lot about myself with TOS's wisdom,,, It was bad enough before; I cling to my bible in one hand and my gun in the other. If this isnt bad enough now Im a racist too... Oh woh is me... Wait a minute; I live in the mountains of NC... I just dont stand a chance do I?


Crap I just learned a lot about myself with TOS's wisdom,,, It was bad enough before; I cling to my bible in one hand and my gun in the other. If this isnt bad enough now Im a racist too... Oh woh is me... Wait a minute; I live in the mountains of NC... I just dont stand a chance do I?

nope we are all screwed up. Only time a conservative hugs a tree is when he is being violated by cousin Ed.:happy-very:


Staff member
Now before you watch this video, I would like to comment that the people shown in this video are probably alot like a few of you...

Holy Mackerel, TOS, that's the most outrageous flame I've seen in quite a while! That was way over the limit.

Your first post in this thread is nothing more then a group flame directed at conservative posters here.

the moderators should kill the thread and your membership should be cancelled for even daring to try to link that ugliness to the posters on this board.

I agree that this is a group flame, and a huge insult to the posters at BrownCafe.
However, as I have been involved in many of these discussions, I will not moderate this thread.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
This is a ridiculous thread started by a somebody who loves to post pure crap. Under another name that has been banned, this poster repeatedly put down our military and referred to Gay people as "pole smokers". You are a low life.


I think the thread headline is clearly a jab at all mccain supporters here. TOS made no effort to distinguish this as an isolated act in pennsylvania. TOS then tied these bigoted acts to posters here though TOS had no reason to do so. No poster here has ever made any comments close to those in the video. TOS when challenged did not back of or apologize for any incidental references instead TOS moved forward and clearly acknowledged that she was calling McCAin supporters on this site Bigots.

I am offended by this cheap shot. I think her posting rights should be severly limited at the least for this blatant group flame. Make her earn her right to be a part of this community.

Maybe a feature we can incorporate into future memberships. Limit their access until they prove they belong here.

But in any case I'm not trying to strong arm anything here. I'm not really upset with TOS, I'm more disgusted with her cheap shot. I'll live with whatever decision you folks make.

Great Gazoo

Local 25
It always amazes me how intolerant many Democrats are. At the :39 second mark you can clearly see the sign the gentleman is holding says "Another Democrat for McCain" and he ackowledges he is in fact a Democrat who would "never vote for a black man".

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Listen, there was no disrespect intended towards the conservatives on the board in total.

I included in my remarks that "I" was included in the message.

A lesson learned about rhetoric.

I included in my remarks that I was toning down my posts and would not engage in anymore campaign "rhetoric" as "I" believe we are getting closer to sounding like those in the video "collectively".

I did not exclude myself.

I have an opinion that there are "some" I percieve to hold the same opinions of those in the video, however, placing their names on this board is not necessary. I believe I am entitled to my personal opinion and that opinion should be my personal thoughts.

Asking me to name names is silly.

The word BIGOT is not my word, nor is ignorant hillbillies. These are the words of TIEGUY.

Making a giant leap with meanings and trying to "tag" me with his words.

I think I made myself clear in my posts on this topic.

Propaganda makes people into victims. Those people in the video are more victims than anything else.

My use of the word conservative is no more a blanket "flame" on conservatives as TIE's use of the word "liberals" is a blanket "flame" on all liberals on this board. He uses this term to blame all democrats for the bad that happens in this country in every post he makes.

Sort of like the kettle calling the pot black.

I apologize if any of you felt offended by the original post. It was intended to demonstrate how hate speech is promoted and then carried out by people who dont check out what they say in public.

I wanted to bring your attention to hate speech and those who would promote it.

I never said anyone on this board made those comments publicly.


I have to say the video made me sick. To say you are not voting for a candidate solely based on the color of their skin is ignorant.
I don't give a rats posterior if Obama is black. I don't agree with his policy's, but his race has no bearing on my decision. It really makes me angry when someone asks if I am voting Obama, and am then called a racist when I say no. That deduction on their part is racism in my book.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This is an example of what I am trying to say about this campaign. The McCain "handlers" put out statements that inflame people without any backing of facts. Then the people repeat them publicly without knowing they are false.

Here, a McCain handler gets caught in his own words.

McCain Spokesman Can't Name Obama's Anti-Semitic Pals


Bravo indeed. :wink2: That's a man of great character.

The handler, on the other hand, makes himself look like a real horses ass. This happens in both camps. SAD.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Listen, there was no disrespect intended towards the conservatives on the board in total.

I included in my remarks that "I" was included in the message.

A lesson learned about rhetoric.

I included in my remarks that I was toning down my posts and would not engage in anymore campaign "rhetoric" as "I" believe we are getting closer to sounding like those in the video "collectively".
I apologize if any of you felt offended by the original post. It was intended to demonstrate how hate speech is promoted and then carried out by people who dont check out what they say in public.

I wanted to bring your attention to hate speech and those who would promote it.

I never said anyone on this board made those comments publicly.

I asked for an apology and I believe that this is an apology! I accept the apology and will move on.

There are always two sides to a coin. For every extremist on the right you will find a similar group of extremists on the left unfortunately these are the folks who are setting the standard for the continuing polarization of this country.

We all suffer when this happens.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe enough people here give enough information about themselves to pass any kind of judgment.

We've all probably seen the vids of die hard Obama supporters and RNC protesters. I'm sure TOS is not pleased to watch these people make liberals look like idiots also. Ignorance has run a muck in this country. It's everywhere including in our own Government.

It explains a lot in itself.


Well-Known Member
This is from I guess if the above examples are meant to show what supporters of McCain are like, then this must be an example of what most Obama supporters are like right?

Glenn Beck: Coming nanny state evidence
October 31, 2008

GLENN: We have a ton to go through, but I want to start with a clip with -- this is a piece of audio that a person who was at a campaign rally -- and in fact, I think it's the campaign rally in Florida after that 30-minute commercial, you know, where they did the live shot and the crowd in Florida, this is the result of listening to Barack Obama. Ask yourself, does this sound like someone who is at a rally who has just listened to the person who could be the next President of the United States. Listen to what this woman says.
VOICE: It was the most memorable time of my life. It was a touching moment.
VOICE: Because I never thought this day would ever happen. I won't have to work on putting gas on my car, I won't have to work on paying my mortgage. You know, if I help him, he's going to help me.
GLENN: That is fantastic. "I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car. I'm not going to we are about my mortgage." What country are we living in? "I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car"? "I won't have to worry about my mortgage"? Somebody is going to have to worry about your mortgage. Somebody is. You know who it's going to be? The people who are working hard right now and didn't get themselves into trouble.

This was the best part!

The Republicans
One thing for sure ... the Republicans deserve exactly what is happening to them in this election. It's just too bad the rest of the country has to suffer the lion's share of the punishment the Republicans so richly deserve. In 1994 the voters were fed up with Clinton and the Republicans swept to control of both houses of congress, largely on the strength of Newt's Contract with America. Do you remember some of the promises? One that sticks in my mind is their promise to dismantle the Department of Education. Republicans – in 1994 – recognized that the quality of American education had been going steadily downhill since this government behemoth was formed. Well, that was then ... this is now. The size of the Education Department, as well as the cost, has doubled. Republicans did this, not Democrats.
As a matter of fact, it's not just the Department of Education; it's our entire federal government. Spending has doubled. Size has doubled. All under the Republican watch inside the beltway. Pork barrel spending is completely out of control, and Republicans are behind the wheel. Education and pork spending aside, we have the Medicare prescription benefit, McCain-Feingold, Sarbanes-Oxley, a tepid response to Kelo vs. New London ... all elements of a well-deserved Republican drubbing. The problem here is that the cure, that being Barack Obama, might well be much worse of than the disease.
The Republicans don't deserve power in Washington just as you don't deserve a boil in the center of your forehead. There are worse things, however. Complete Democrat control or, in the case of your forehead, a nice big melanoma. Pretty much the same things, actually.

It's not that the Republicans did everything wrong. They got the tax cut thing right, and they responded correctly, for the most part, to the radical Islamic attack on our country. They just did so much wrong at the same time. They got drunk with power, and the hangover affects all of us.
