McCain Supporters show their intelligence levels!!

She is NOT a McCain supporter. She is a hater.
She is a hater that supports McCain, just as there are haters that support Obama. There are people on both sides of this election that are ignorant to many of the issues as well, they tend to support one over the other based on maybe just one point, or just one thing they have heard on a quick blurb on the evening news, reported by a news anchor that may or may not be biased. Unfortunately, way too many of the American voting public don't have the time, experience or the ability to filter the barrage of (most of the time) biased information offered. Some might hear that John McCain is going to give you a tax credit for health care that will allow everyone to have affordable insurance and then they take that as their bases of the VOTE. On the other hand there are people that will believe that Barrack Obama is the country's saving grace, because they heard him say that 95% of American's will receive a tax decrease. Few will ever take the time to reason out either statement.
One other, and possibly my final input, most people (IMHO) base what their vote will be based solely on how the outcome will effect their personaly life and not on how it can/could/would effect the country as a whole. Also it is unfortunate that only passing time can answer that question definitively.
So lets vote, delete, ban or all of the above?
I'm sorry I have to disagree with a vote....or poll. Here is why. The other side, through all of his/her postings have made me think deeper into the issues of the campaign, without these posts I may have blindly followed my past affiliations with the Republican party. I am proud to announce today that I have ended that blind affiliation. I now through wide open eyes and deep thought fully support...



Well-Known Member
I say this a bit tongue in cheek but the title of the thread may be more dead on and you guys just prove the point. Now let me say I've not wasted one second of my time and looked at the videos linked so what I say has nothing to do with alledged racism:sleeping2:, etc. My point is that TOS conitinues to post over a baited field it you will and you guys keep taking the bait. Thus the suggestion of questioning your intelligence levels.

It's almost like a dumb fish in a live well complaining about the fisherman fishing but then the fisherman points out to the fish:

I'm not fishing, never wet the first line. I just anchored the boat, opened the door to the live well and you guys jumped in.

Did you ever consider the best way to "delete" "ban" or what have you is to not respond in the first place.

And to TOS

:rofl: That BULLSCHITT about "I'm turning over a new leaf" and we all need to be kinder to one another. OMFG! GIVE ME A "friend" BREAK! Stop being a chicken :censored2:!

I'll say this much, I've LMAO over the last several days keeping up reading this thread so it has had comedic value at the least. To me anyway.

To the couple of moderators having jumped into this fray suggesting draconian measures, I'd suggest you re-evaluate your position as a moderator! If it measures to a ban, then ban it based on board policy. You are now suggesting bans based on the vote of a majoirity and even posted as much?


Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
I say don't vote.It's real life.You have the wacko's on the right...and you have the wacko's on the left..You know, I know.We don't have to respond to it....Just look in the real life media...Whether it's Cindy Sheehan, Penn,Fonda etc.. .. etc.....Everybody know's they are way out there!

And nobody really cares!


I say this a bit tongue in cheek but the title of the thread may be more dead on and you guys just prove the point. Now let me say I've not wasted one second of my time and looked at the videos linked so what I say has nothing to do with alledged racism:sleeping2:, etc. My point is that TOS conitinues to post over a baited field it you will and you guys keep taking the bait. Thus the suggestion of questioning your intelligence levels.

It's almost like a dumb fish in a live well complaining about the fisherman fishing but then the fisherman points out to the fish:

Did you ever consider the best way to "delete" "ban" or what have you is to not respond in the first place.

And to TOS

:rofl: That BULLSCHITT about "I'm turning over a new leaf" and we all need to be kinder to one another. OMFG! GIVE ME A "friend" BREAK! Stop being a chicken :censored2:!

I'll say this much, I've LMAO over the last several days keeping up reading this thread so it has had comedic value at the least. To me anyway.

To the couple of moderators having jumped into this fray suggesting draconian measures, I'd suggest you re-evaluate your position as a moderator! If it measures to a ban, then ban it based on board policy. You are now suggesting bans based on the vote of a majoirity and even posted as much?


Then you're position would be to have no rules here whatsoever? And If that is not your position then this was a group flame and should have been dealt with as such. For some reason you also decided to egg her on. So when she posts something totally outrageous based on your egging her on then your acount should be put in lock down too.
noooo, don't lock down TOS, this one is too easy to hand their butt back to them in a basket.
Now I understand the following might be considered as flamming, but it's a chance I gotta take. TOS deserves Obama as President....but I didn't do anything that bad.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
WKMAC, did you notice nothing was done??? It was satirical in nature, as in whenever someone asks a question of Obama, or a newspaper endorses someone else, althought I dont believe he had them thrown off the plane at the time I made that post, that is how he responds.
Dont condemn the moderators, no one has been touched unless they go over the line, and TOS will be the first one to tell you that we are fair.
If there is a thread where someone comes in and says something stupid, that is not relevant yes I will delete it.
I do not need you or any other well respected person to tell me to rethink. Nothing was done, but thanks so much for your advice. Get a grip, it was humor.


Nine Lives
This is a ridiculous thread started by a somebody who loves to post pure crap. Under another name that has been banned, this poster repeatedly put down our military and referred to Gay people as "pole smokers". You are a low life.

Tell us what you really think, Scratch.
I didn't bother looking at the original post but I'm betting 100-1 that it's TOS.

Be aware, I think D has a crush on her,,,he seems a bit protective of her! :happy-very:
This is an attempt at humor D
No obsession here, but I would really like to know the answer to a couple of questions that have already been asked and apparently ignored.
Do you now or have you ever actually worked at UPS?
Why do you only post on this part of the forum?

Before you get your panties in a wad, no I don't think these are qualifying criteria to post here. Just wondering.


Nine Lives
My point is that TOS conitinues to post over a baited field it you will and you guys keep taking the bait.

Did you ever consider the best way to "delete" "ban" or what have you is to not respond in the first place.

I'll say this much, I've LMAO over the last several days keeping up reading this thread so it has had comedic value at the least. To me anyway.

Agreed 100%.
I have not responded to a single post by TOS. The best way to deal with posters like TOS is to ignore them.
She is just a troll trying to flame people and get them upset.

These political threads have been very amuzing but I warn that the posters in here are so wound up that they have no sense of humor ... they attack or object to anything that is not exactly in line with their views.


Well-Known Member
Agreed 100%.
I have not responded to a single post by TOS. The best way to deal with posters like TOS is to ignore them.
She is just a troll trying to flame people and get them upset.

These political threads have been very amuzing but I warn that the posters in here are so wound up that they have no sense of humor ... they attack or object to anything that is not exactly in line with their views.

Seems like the posters in here getting "wound up" are the ones aiming their IRE at TOS. Sure, at times posters get "wound up" or maybe a better term would be "passionate" with respect to their politcal views or over protective to their fellow poster. And we all may have a knock down drag out debate with one another from time to time. But at the end of the day -->:its_all_good:.
But the kind of elbow jabbing insulting humor we have with our drinking buddies or softball buddies after a game is not neccessarily shared here on the same level as on a public forum where we know OF each other but not personally.

Susan always used the term Bravo here. Susan also had an infatuation with racial discrimination issues.

Tie, I'm begining to think you have an infatutation with this "Susan" character, like an jilted-Ex at the alter cry'in to his buddies about missing his old flame....:wink2:


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
The beauty of it all is after the election is over, things will settle down and only those of us who love each other will still be here. :smart:
Peace out.