Media Bias

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
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Trump says he wants SCOTUS to toss the ACA. He has no answer to what he plans to replace it with or how he would accomplish keeping people with preexisting conditions covered. I don’t know why he wants to bring more attention to this interview. Those views are wildly unpopular.


Well-Known Member
Trump says he wants SCOTUS to toss the ACA. He has no answer to what he plans to replace it with or how he would accomplish keeping people with preexisting conditions covered. I don’t know why he wants to bring more attention to this interview. Those views are wildly unpopular.
Preexisting conditions are not on the table in any replacement scenario.

I challenge you to offer one, only one in Congress that has offered striking it in any new plan.

You may have to pony up as a "business owner" that is what has your panties in a wad.

You don't give a damn if "your" employees have healthcare coverage if you foot the bill.

Wildly, I like the term you use to describe how your side evaluates issues.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
By the statute that is enacted.

Name one, only one lawmaker that has offered removing preexisting conditions.

That door has been closed.
Insurance will figure a price based on the numbers.

Your group plan, your employer contribution, may increase.

Pay as you go, as Nancy has said.

You want benefits, but you aren't up for responsibility

You're a business owner, carry the freight.


Well-Known Member
What is amazing to me is just how unpopular republican policies and ideas remain and how many people pretend to not know or care about the actual policies of republican elected officials.
trump and republicans are trying to get rid of the ACA in the courts if they succeed, there will be no protections for anyone with pre existing conditions, trump can't write an executive order and make that happen, congress would have to pass a new healthcare bill and republicans simply don't have one. It is objective reality as plain as anyone can see. In fact, I can't name one popular policy that republican politicians support at the national level, not one. This is why I have posted for years that republican voters don't care about policy outcomes. Public policy outcomes are not why most of them support the republican party


Well-Known Member
the amount of censorship on trumps twitter account and on PBS the other day is incredible. they act like this is the first time weve heard a lie.