It's right there in the contract, the Union shall be the sole representative....
Our problem was the BA wanted to w/d with rights everything and we wanted to deadlock. The union reps should train and explain. We've had no stewards training on the cba since the 90s in our local. Fact. Still to date. And our new BAs are in need of training more than the stewards. Another fact.
So does the membership trust the stewards, who, in our building are strong or the local officers?
That's why I understand the frustration of good stewards and the politics that control slam dunk issues are irritating but for instance when your valid grievance gets traded out to get some cute thief's job back because the center manager really "needs" the employee the membership gives up.
There are many things we've seen go on here with corrupt bullcrap behind the scenes and it takes strong members and stewards to keep the total membership's faith alive in the midst of the games that are played.
When a weak steward fails members it's not good but when the officers and BAs fail the membership, with them having the final say (minus the NLRB's intervention), it derails more cars than imaginable.