Mental illness

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
So the OP got fired for a change in his/her affect…. UPS has psychiatrists on staff now? I know y’all have doctors, but psychiatrists also? Lol.


Well-Known Member
Yes and you can bet the psychiatrist knows who signs his checks.
An afterthought......
Do you suppose the psychiatrist is aware of the toxic, hostile work environment at UPS or has he been romanced in to thinking it's all rainbows, unicorns, Leave it to Beaver, the BOG and the Good Ship Lollipop?

Just an afterthought......


Well-Known Member
I worked at the JFK facility and they fired me for good from UPS for a change in my affect. I’m currently in recovery in the ward. Does anyone know how I can get my job back?
Did you contact your BA? They’re the only one that can help you right now. No one on here knows, get well and good luck.


Happy Verified UPSer
I worked at the JFK facility and they fired me for good from UPS for a change in my affect. I’m currently in recovery in the ward. Does anyone know how I can get my job back?
You'll have to elaborate.
Contact your BA and make sure you either keep your dues up or get a withdrawal card to stay in good standing.
How long have you been with Brown?