Oh yea, there are many things that would make me happy, but your guy aint gonna do em.
Keep dancing.....zer0 can't be given credit for the local government job decreases, that's ridiculous and you are evading the question.
I freely admit I don't like him or his policies, I don't hate 0bama, never said I did. I will also say I have heard him tell straight out lies on his new campaign trail, but that doesn't mean anything to you.
I would love to hear your suspicions on why I dislike 0bama.
I agree with BB, many of the gang of 6 on this board merely hate or dislike what they are told to dislike. They repeat the same talking points when directed to do so. No matter how you slice the pie, OBAMAs economic recovery is greater than the last 3 years of bush. You may not like the way he's doing it, but in the long run, it will pay off.
The republican cries for tax cuts last year is pure nonsense.
When Bill Clinton took office, unemployment under G H Bush was at 7.3%, by raising taxes on the top 1% and discouraging overseas outsourcing, Clinton took the rate down to 4.2%. Bush came into office during the last legs of the Clinton expansion and unemployment fell to 4.2%. Then 9/11 and two wars later, unemployment began to SKYROCKET under Bush.
Bush inherited the largest growth spurt in the american economy since 1969 and turned that into a great recession and almost a great depression part deux.
Clintons era created 20.5 million new jobs the highest in history, whereas, Bush 43 created 3.7 million jobs in 8 years. When Clinton left office, the unemployment rate was 4.2%
In december of 2008 prior to Obama taking office, Bush lost 665 thousand jobs that month bringing the unemployment rate to 7.6%. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT MORELUCK.
Obama comes in and inherits the dying economy with its tax cuts for the rich, wall street floudering, housing market collapsing, two wars unchecked and unpaid, and unemployment "scheduled" to rise over the next 12 months.
The unemployment rate rises to 10.2% an increase of 2.6% by middle of his second year, that increase is still smaller than the overall INCREASE of GW BUSH of 3.4% in 8 years. Now, unemployment is declining as the economy turns around and by the end of his second term, Obama will have the unemployment rate down near 6%.
YOU MAY NOT LIKE IT, but its a fact.
You should as americans be standing behind our president and helping to turn this country around instead of acting like this is some kind of high school football game and all that matters is winning,
The gang of 6 on this board is so convinced by rhetoric that they know the answers to this economy, but in reality, YOU ALL DONT.
You can dislike the president, just like I dislike GW BUSH. But maybe if you learned to grasp economic realities like FACTS, you wouldnt hate obama so much.
Until then, tomorrow is monday, RUsh will be on spinning his B.S. and Fox will be on the air at 6 am with every angle of Obama hating that they can drum up for the week. Moreluck will begin cut and pasting fox news stories at 9am after bill hemmer and Martha McCallum spread the latest nonsense and post it on FOX.com.
The other gang of 6 will find their usual listening posts for orders like an AL-Qaeda fighter ready to blow himself up.
Trp, in this conversation, you went BOOM , but there were no casualties.