Michele Bachmans turn at the Stupid Wheel with Obama!


Strength through joy
Obama Foodarama is reporting that Shake Shack and Eatonville are reporting a “Michelle Obama Effect” — a spike in visitors after the first lady racked up the calories during visits last week. Apparently, you can now order “The Michelle Obama Special” at Shake Shack, and you’ll get a burger, french fries, a shake and a Diet Coke, just like Mrs. O. Afterward, burn off those 1,700 calories just like her, too.


Well-Known Member
Obama Foodarama is reporting that Shake Shack and Eatonville are reporting a “Michelle Obama Effect” — a spike in visitors after the first lady racked up the calories during visits last week. Apparently, you can now order “The Michelle Obama Special” at Shake Shack, and you’ll get a burger, french fries, a shake and a Diet Coke, just like Mrs. O. Afterward, burn off those 1,700 calories just like her, too.

Wrong thread sport! Here's the link, knock yourself out!


golden ticket member
Disclaimer: I don't want Bachmann for pres.

Why are people screaming about this lady having migraines and being unable to function in a job..........??

Men candidates don't have migraines?? A doctor interviewed today said that migraines are almost always considered a minor condition and very treatable. Is this all just to draw attention away from budget talks?

I hear Cain might have an ingrown toenail.....should he be eliminated as a viable candidate too?


Staff member
Disclaimer: I don't want Bachmann for pres.

Why are people screaming about this lady having migraines and being unable to function in a job..........??

Men candidates don't have migraines?? A doctor interviewed today said that migraines are almost always considered a minor condition and very treatable. Is this all just to draw attention away from budget talks?

I hear Cain might have an ingrown toenail.....should he be eliminated as a viable candidate too?
I get migraines, they don't debilitate me as long as take Axert (almotriptan) right away. Triptans don't work for everybody though and the implication of the article was that these migraines would have Bachmann laid up for several days every time she was under a lot of stress. If that's not the case (always possible with the Daily Caller) and her migraines symptoms can be easily controlled, then I agree this shouldn't be an issue.


golden ticket member
I kind of reason that anybody with debillitating headaches would not for one minute consider a single foster child, let alone 23 of them !!
Taking care of 23 kids is one heck of a headache!!!!
Is the 23 or 2 or 3 ?
She didn't have 23 at one time, that was a total over a period of time.

I agree somewhat that migraines are not always debilitating, specially with the right meds. My brothers wife gets migraines a lot, the docs have found no med to help her and sometimes she is in bed in a dark room for one, sometimes two days. When this happens she can't think, talk or even open her eys for a good amount of time. They CAN be debilitating.


golden ticket member
Is the 23 or 2 or 3 ?
She didn't have 23 at one time, that was a total over a period of time.

I agree somewhat that migraines are not always debilitating, specially with the right meds. My brothers wife gets migraines a lot, the docs have found no med to help her and sometimes she is in bed in a dark room for one, sometimes two days. When this happens she can't think, talk or even open her eys for a good amount of time. They CAN be debilitating.

No, they weren't all at once, but she had 4 or 5 of her own and to add even ONE more kid to your family is a major headache in my book and takes a special person. You sure couldn't be disabled by pain and still do it over & over again.
So I think the people bringing up this headache thing are looking for anything negative to sling at her. Disgusting!
No, they weren't all at once, but she had 4 or 5 of her own and to add even ONE more kid to your family is a major headache in my book and takes a special person. You sure couldn't be disabled by pain and still do it over & over again.
So I think the people bringing up this headache thing are looking for anything negative to sling at her. Disgusting!
There is no doubt that is what is at the root of this "headache" reporting. Just look at all the other crazy stuff that's been brought up. Don't know how many years it's been since they had an added child in their home, but I do know that some people that have migraines get better over time, some get worse. some never have one until later in life. It was some of her past employee's (we've heard several stories on how hard she is to get along with) that first told of her debilitation, it might be real but then, it may not;


Staff member
I think it is former staff members bringing it up. Now the rest of the field can bring it up over and over saying how it isn't an issue and thus keep the issue alive in the mind of the voter.


Well-Known Member
WASHINGTON -- Few candidates in the Republican presidential primary field have decried the federal government with as much gusto as Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.). The three-term congresswoman has belittled the stimulus package, deemed the Obama administration both corrupt and "gangster," and lamented the "orgy" of spending she sees happening in Washington.

The contempt has served her well, helping her craft the type of fiscally conservative, anti-government message that has catapulted her into frontrunner status for the Iowa Caucus and, more immediately, Saturday's crucial Ames Straw Poll.

But it's simply not supported by the Minnesota Republican's actual record.

A Freedom of Information Act request filed by The Huffington Post with three separate federal agencies reveals that on at least 16 separate occasions, Bachmann petitioned the federal government for direct financial help or aid. A large chunk of those requests were for funds set aside through President Obama's stimulus program, which Bachmann once labeled "fantasy economics." Bachmann made two more of those requests to the Environmental Protection Agency, an institution that she has suggested she would eliminate if she were in the White House.

Michele Bachmann Repeatedly Sought Stimulus, EPA, Other Government Funds

Her husband got even more federal money. So did her family.

Alot of HOT AIR for the "tip of the spear"

Nice try guys, I don't buy the argument. One can think that the government handouts are bad and should be stopped even when using them. The money is offered, why not take it someone will. Her not taking money offered from these "stimulus" deals will not stop them. If they are stopped then everyone is playing by the same rules. In the instances of the farm subsides, if her family doesn't use them they are placing themselves at a disadvantage to other farmers they compete with for market share putting them at a, possible, disadvantage. It's not like she is taking something that is not offered to everyone in the same category. If she was the only one getting these monies, I would walk in the parade to get her booted( like I really support her anyway).


Staff member
Nice try guys, I don't buy the argument. One can think that the government handouts are bad and should be stopped even when using them. The money is offered, why not take it someone will. Her not taking money offered from these "stimulus" deals will not stop them. If they are stopped then everyone is playing by the same rules. In the instances of the farm subsides, if her family doesn't use them they are placing themselves at a disadvantage to other farmers they compete with for market share putting them at a, possible, disadvantage. It's not like she is taking something that is not offered to everyone in the same category. If she was the only one getting these monies, I would walk in the parade to get her booted( like I really support her anyway).
Noone is accusing her of theft or anything illegal, but do you see no hypocrisy defined between her words and actions? She's not alone. When the stimulus was enacted, there were many prominent republicans finding a megaphone to lambast the administration for it but quietly cashing the check when it showed up. Why not cash it? Rudy Giuliani was once offered a considerably large check for the 9/11 attacks from what he considered a dubious source and turned it down. Principal. That is why one would turn it down.


Well-Known Member
The money is offered, why not take it someone will.

Do you hold the same point of view for people taking public welfare while working off the books? How about collecting unemployment while working off the books? If you also hold for those folks that the money is offered, then take it POV, I can appreciate the consistency but if not!

Why is it that for one group of people we might hold one moral standard and for other groups of people those moral standards are different?


Well-Known Member
Noone is accusing her of theft or anything illegal, but do you see no hypocrisy defined between her words and actions? She's not alone. When the stimulus was enacted, there were many prominent republicans finding a megaphone to lambast the administration for it but quietly cashing the check when it showed up. Why not cash it? Rudy Giuliani was once offered a considerably large check for the 9/11 attacks from what he considered a dubious source and turned it down. Principal. That is why one would turn it down.

Bingo! Republicans have refused to hold feet to fire and this is a major reason why their own elected folks have gotten away with running as fiscal conservatives and limited gov't types and once in office, they act like the so-called democrats in who they demonized during the campaigns. I hope democrats beat them with a stick on this issue because it's obvious republican supporters won't and thus the reason there is no difference at the end of the day!