Michele Bachmans turn at the Stupid Wheel with Obama!


TOS posted a like on this post- so by that definition your views on Republicans, because different from yours, clearly shows "discrimination on par with racism".
No it does not, because I do not believe within a deep seeded religious conscience that all Republicans are inferior, born with a flaw or "complex", or anything of the like, simply because they make different choices and set of beliefs in their lives.

As I explained, this has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats. This has to do with Michelle Bachmann, her husband, HER words, HIS words and THEIR beliefs ( which are well out into the open and published).

And P.S. religion should NEVER , EVER be involved in politics. For any reason. Just IMO


Boy oh boy, this thread has found some NEW MEAT!! Michele Bachman continues to give us such fine details of her intellect!


She signs a "MARRIAGE VOW" that a christian group ( The Family Leader) placed in front of her (Because we all know shes for marriage between a man and woman) but since she is a pandering fool, she misses a little portion of the document that said this:

"Black babies would have been better off under slavery"


From the document that she signed:
"Slavery had a disastrous impact on African-American families, yet sadly a child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household* than was an African American baby born after the election of the USA’s first African-American President."

Now shes in damage control. As bugs bunny once said:


Yep...that is just the tip of the iceberg too...wait 'till the heat rises, this iceberg starts melting and we see what is really inside..


golden ticket member
OMG, now we have to have a Rick Santorum thread as well?

GEESH, does the right wing have any candidates who arent "Whoreing" themselves out to the religious zealots?


All politicians are "HO's" including all of your favorites..........I would think you would know that....it's pretty basic.
OMG, now we have to have a Rick Santorum thread as well?

GEESH, does the right wing have any candidates who arent "Whoreing" themselves out to the religious zealots?

Not sure you can call it
"Whoreing" themselves out to the religious zealots?
if that is how they believe. I'm aware of what you would call it, but it wouldn't be whoring (spelled correctly).

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The right wing religious group who ASKED the republican candidates to sign their marriage contract in order for their support in the 2012 election has apologized for their reference to slavery!


This is why the founders wanted a separation between church and state.

James Madison:

""This would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion in it."

""The divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity. Nowhere in the Gospels do we find a precept for Creeds, Confessions, Oaths, Doctrines, and whole cartloads of other foolish trumpery that we find in Christianity."

I believe he is talking about right wing christians.


The right wing religious group who ASKED the republican candidates to sign their marriage contract in order for their support in the 2012 election has apologized for their reference to slavery!


This is why the founders wanted a separation between church and state.

James Madison:

""This would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion in it."

""The divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity. Nowhere in the Gospels do we find a precept for Creeds, Confessions, Oaths, Doctrines, and whole cartloads of other foolish trumpery that we find in Christianity."

I believe he is talking about right wing christians.


To me it sounds like organized religion, not just Christians. It's pretty much been proven that anytime man gets to organizing something, it gets screwed up.


Well-Known Member
It's pretty much been proven that anytime man gets to organizing something, it gets screwed up.

Now have the courage to go ahead and drop the other shoe and abandon it!

Just read this over at Truthdig and it's just as fitting here as it is in the "religion of peace" thread.
Now have the courage to go ahead and drop the other shoe and abandon it!

Just read this over at Truthdig and it's just as fitting here as it is in the "religion of peace" thread.

If you are talking about abandoning organized religion, I have pretty much already done that many years ago. If you are talking about abandoning my faith in God.......not happening.


Well-Known Member
If you are talking about abandoning organized religion, I have pretty much already done that many years ago. If you are talking about abandoning my faith in God.......not happening.

Well it's not specific to religion only as your exact words were
It's pretty much been proven that anytime man gets to organizing something, it gets screwed up.
and thus on your point I was saying that in all things man attempts to organize, we should abandon. As in large scale central gov't?

As to organized religion, that's a start. As to abandoning god? Read your bible cover to cover paying close attention to detail is a very worthwhile endeavor. I'll just leave it at that!


Staff member


Staff member
I really don't understand the hostility to organized religion by many who seem so knowledgeable on so many subjects. Though some may claim that religion has created great horrors throughout the centuries, perhaps it is religion or "God conscienceness" that has extricated ourselves from those horrors without intentionally or unintentionally destroying ourselves. Or am I simply to believe in the "goodness" of mankind? That simple self interest keeps us from riding our hatred and animosity for others straight into oblivion seems counter-intuitive for a race that holds stock piles of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons only as deterents. I think secretly we wish for a provocation severe enough to justify our earth-shattering retribution. I simply do not see how without God, without some sense of a Greater Purpose, we stand any chance at all of holding it together and that we have held it together thus far further strengthens that belief. And Jones: Your graph reflects a sad truth of life with blinders on. Like the way republicans view governance.


golden ticket member
"I really don't understand the hostility to organized religion by many who seem so knowledgeable on so many subjects..." (bbsam)

The key words are "organized religion". If they are against it, it doesn't mean they are atheists. Maybe they just HATE the greed, power and corruption caused by man in the organized religion.

God exists for them, just not in some building in some monstrance somewhere.....He's everywhere and not run by any organization.


Staff member
Ahhh, but the simpler line of thinking shows little imagination and no truth or faith in anything. I would rather believe in something than in nothing.
I think that's a real driving force behind most supernatural beliefs, the fact that most people want to believe in something beyond the natural world.

I really don't understand the hostility to organized religion by many who seem so knowledgeable on so many subjects. Though some may claim that religion has created great horrors throughout the centuries, perhaps it is religion or "God conscienceness" that has extricated ourselves from those horrors without intentionally or unintentionally destroying ourselves. Or am I simply to believe in the "goodness" of mankind? That simple self interest keeps us from riding our hatred and animosity for others straight into oblivion seems counter-intuitive for a race that holds stock piles of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons only as deterents. I think secretly we wish for a provocation severe enough to justify our earth-shattering retribution. I simply do not see how without God, without some sense of a Greater Purpose, we stand any chance at all of holding it together and that we have held it together thus far further strengthens that belief. And Jones: Your graph reflects a sad truth of life with blinders on. Like the way republicans view governance.
All that graph really illustrates is that once you start relying on the supernatural to explain things, you can pretty much tailor your beliefs to fit whatever works best for you personally (which actually might be a better explanation for the way republicans view governance :wink2:). That's what has happened with christianity (and all the major religions) through the ages. At various times individuals or groups decided they didn't like whatever the current narrative was so they came up with a different one and split off to do their own thing. For an atheist who doesn't subscribe to supernatural explanations, the natural world is what it is, the same as it has always been.


Well-Known Member
On the lines of tailoring one's religious beliefs to the current narrative, an excellent program from 2008' on PBS NOVA series was entitled, "The Bible, Buried Secrets" and whether of faith or not, well worth the watch. I learned of the documentary hypothesis back in the 1980's and then even more about it over the coming years and it was a real eye opener along with the political, societal and other history of the larger area of the religion from which we got the bronze and iron age Abrahamic traditions from which came the 3 monotheistic faiths. And before we think of these earlier cultures as pure monotheistic societies, the history, the culture and yes even the bible itself tell a different story.

Those were very nicely expressed words in post #177. Tip of the hat to you.

It does go beyond organized religion for me but then I'm not opposed to people of faith or faith itself either. I think the patriotism and christianity of a NASCAR pre-race is more for PR value to a certain demographic, I still have no problem with it because it's voluntary whereas in the sphere of public policy and gov't, it tends to become mandatory of a compulsory nature. There in lay the dangers of a Michelle Bachmann who is no different that an atheist who would use the state to prevent free, open and even public expression of faith. I may not hold to the same ideal and faith but if someone came in to stop NASCAR from it's Americana displays (even though I question the real motive) I'd fight for NASCAR to be able to continue doing this because it's not done so under the banner of compulsory gov't.
