Well, since she started her push to tell everyone what they should and shouldn't eat, many areas of food service has been dramatically effected from schools monitoring everything a student eats to talk of introducing laws that would keep Ronald McDonald from offering toys with their kids meals. If that's important or not is probably up to the individual.Is she really that important or are you just reacting like a lab rat to induced stimuli in order to keep you from seeing the cage that actually surrounds you.
Is she really that important or are you just reacting like a lab rat to induced stimuli in order to keep you from seeing the cage that actually surrounds you.
Well, since she started her push to tell everyone what they should and shouldn't eat, many areas of food service has been dramatically effected from schools monitoring everything a student eats to talk of introducing laws that would keep Ronald McDonald from offering toys with their kids meals. If that's important or not is probably up to the individual.
It's not her true motivation that I am talking about but the results that are being put in place as a result. I don't believe for a second that M.0. give a single hoot about anyone's kids but her own. The point is, she is pushing for changes and some people are working to get the changes put in place at the cost of personal freedom.You're accepting an illusion as fact. You're way to smart for that. Step back, see it for what it is and look around you and the solutions and counter-forces around it are everywhere. Even the school thingy would be to do something like support local homeschoolers where you can even if only by an encouraging word or just fight for local public school sovereignty and autonomy.
Local grown food and understanding the Food Sovereignty Movement is one key around Michelle's food nonsense. Like her husband, her idealism is not about idealism but is a pure front to line the pockets of certain agri-businesses who stand ready in 2012' (like they did in 08') to man up the dollars to put their boy back in office.
Stop buying thatshe keeps spewing out and see her for what she really is. A corp. PR Sock Puppet!
She's a joke and I like to post things that make me laugh.....and hopefully some others will grin too....or not.
Again with the GLOBE?
Geez, hows batboy doing this month?
Hey, let's start a new game...........( on the idea of where's waldo ).........where the heck is the FLOTUS today ?