Do your own research. You wouldn't believe anything I posted, but :Facts usually are accompanied by proof, roadrunner !!

Do your own research. You wouldn't believe anything I posted, but :Facts usually are accompanied by proof, roadrunner !!
A TROLL fact?Democrats grow the economy, Republicans grow the government. That's a fact.
Since congress makes the laws and controls national spending, I am wondering which party controlled congress in the years of high GDP growth?Do your own research. You wouldn't believe anything I posted, but :
I sincerely hope we never find out the answer to your question.
Our next president will be Andrew Cuomo from New York.
Your chart only lists GDP .
Where is your info on gov't growth ?
Another source...... who gets to keep the nobel prize?
Mrs Bush drinks ?Its sad that the right wing of this country has to create false stories just to keep their people in line.
If anybody is getting divorced, its going to be george w. bush. Nobody likes being married to a drunk.