Midterm Elections: Countdown to Tuesday, November 8, 2022


Well-Known Member
Me and most of the rest of the country. Yet you think he will be the next President. LOL
You really don't get it. The electorate are about evenly split. Anyone who can pull enough votes away from one party can tilt an election to the other party. Exactly what happened in 1992 when Ross Perot got 19% of the vote.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
I mean, write him off as someone who could hurt the left in 2024 if you want to. I understand that's the message that CNN is putting out for the Party. I'm close to people who watch pretty much nothing but and get where you're coming from. I'm not sure why you believe I think Yang will be the next President.
Ross Perot was the last successful (?) third party candidate for President. He collected less then 19% of the vote. Unbelievable at the time.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
You really don't get it. The electorate are about evenly split. Anyone who can pull enough votes away from one party can tilt an election to the other party. Exactly what happened in 1992 when Ross Perot got 19% of the vote.

I :censored2:ing loved whenever he busted out one of his substantive chart infomercials like he really, actually gave a :censored2: about the numbers. Seemed kind of silly at the time but I really wish he'd been taken more seriously in retrospect.

Ross Perot was the last successful (?) third party candidate for President. He collected less then 19% of the vote. Unbelievable at the time.

Won't take 19% of the vote for a third party candidate to :censored2: over either side, broseph. ;)


Well-Known Member
I :censored2:ing loved whenever he busted out one of his substantive chart infomercials like he really, actually gave a :censored2: about the numbers. Seemed kind of silly at the time but I really wish he'd been taken more seriously in retrospect.

Won't take 19% of the vote for a third party candidate to :censored2: over either side, broseph. ;)
He actually had a chance but self destructed. Almost think he ran as an ego thing but really didn't want to be president.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
You really don't get it. The electorate are about evenly split. Anyone who can pull enough votes away from one party can tilt an election to the other party. Exactly what happened in 1992 when Ross Perot got 19% of the vote.
There is no way the electorate is evenly split. The republicans are split between trump, Pence, DeSantis and now Liz Cheney. Not sure who the Democrats will nominate. I don't think it will be President Biden or Vice President Harris. Most likely a Democratic moderate or conservative. The country needs to unite.


Well-Known Member
There is no way the electorate is evenly split. The republicans are split between trump, Pence, DeSantis and now Liz Cheney. Not sure who the Democrats will nominate. I don't think it will be President Biden or Vice President Harris. Most likely a Democratic moderate or conservative. The country needs to unite.
Again you don't get it. There are two major parties. About evenly split. The Republicans will put up one nominee. Now if that's Trump and DeSantis decides to run as a 3rd party candidate then he will split the vote and assure a Democratic win. If Yang runs as a 3rd party candidate or whoever his party puts up and they draw 8% of the vote, most likely most of that vote will come from Democrats. Would insure a Republican win because the two parties are about even. And Liz Cheney isn't going anywhere as a Republican. Most Republicans view her as a traitor.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Gee I don't know. I think Joe knew in 2020 he had issues but he really wanted to be president.

I have my doubts that Joe has really had the capacity to know what he wants for around 5 years now.

The republicans are split between trump, Pence, DeSantis and now Liz Cheney.

I highly doubt that Republicans wouldn't rally around Trump if the time comes for it. The Democrats have nobody with the pull to match on their side at this point.

Not sure who the Democrats will nominate. I don't think it will be President Biden or Vice President Harris.

You don't say.

Most likely a Democratic moderate or conservative. The country needs to unite.

I can't think of a moderate or conservative Presidential candidate that the Democratic base would go along with in 2022.

And people are way past believing the "I'm going to unite the country" stuff at this point. It's clearly a lie whenever a politician on either side says it.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Again you don't get it. There are two major parties. About evenly split. The Republicans will put up one nominee. Now if that's Trump and DeSantis decides to run as a 3rd party candidate then he will split the vote and assure a Democratic win. If Yang runs as a 3rd party candidate or whoever his party puts up and they draw 8% of the vote, most likely most of that vote will come from Democrats. Would insure a Republican win because the two parties are about even. And Liz Cheney isn't going anywhere as a Republican. Most Republicans view her as a traitor.
Yang will go nowhere as a candidate but Liz Chaney and DeSantis and Mikey Pence have a lot of drawing power. All the Democrats have to do is unite around a moderate candidate.


Well-Known Member
I have my doubts that Joe has really had the capacity to know what he wants for around 5 years now.

I highly doubt that Republicans wouldn't rally around Trump if the time comes for it. The Democrats have nobody with the pull to match on their side at this point.

You don't say.

I can't think of a moderate or conservative Presidential candidate that the Democratic base would go along with in 2022.

And people are way past believing the "I'm going to unite the country" stuff at this point. It's clearly a lie whenever a politician on either side says it.
I really think Tulsi Gabbard could have been that winning Democrat but the far Left hates her. Filling in for Tucker Carlson last Friday makes me think she's ready to switch parties.


Well-Known Member
Yang will go nowhere as a candidate but Liz Chaney and DeSantis and Mikey Pence have a lot of drawing power. All the Democrats have to do is unite around a moderate candidate.
I used 8% as an example. Yang can't win with 8%. But he can keep the Democrats from winning. This isn't about Yang becoming president. It's about siphoning off enough votes so that the other party wins.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I really think Tulsi Gabbard could have been that winning Democrat but the far Left hates her. Filling in for Tucker Carlson last Friday makes me think she's ready to switch parties.

Will have to give that episode a watch. I'm not sure what to think of Tulsi at this point. She's sort of dropped off my radar. Maybe that's my fault for not following her over to her Fox News appearances now that CNN, MSNBC etc probably won't have her on.


Well-Known Member
Yang will go nowhere as a candidate but Liz Chaney and DeSantis and Mikey Pence have a lot of drawing power. All the Democrats have to do is unite around a moderate candidate.
I think all the praise the media is giving Liz Cheney is giving you a false sense of her stature. She won't go anywhere as a Republican and her voting record won't take her anywhere as a Democrat.