Midterm Elections: Countdown to Tuesday, November 8, 2022


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Running for office in Pennsylvania while living in New Jersey and voting in Turkey.
Duel citizenship. Anyway, we believe in open borders, no? A party that is actively engaging in the flooding of illegal's would make an issue of that?
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BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Nice attempt at moving the goal posts.

Who cares how rich someone is? Never remember wealth being an issue for Democrats when wealthy folk like Diane Feinstein or Mark Warner ran? Never was an issue with Biden or Obama either?


Well-Known Member
Who cares how rich someone is? Never remember wealth being an issue for Democrats when wealthy folk like Diane Feinstein or Mark Warner ran? Never was an issue with Biden or Obama either?
Keep moving goalposts sad boy.

It’s about where he lives. He hides nothing that New Jersey is his main home.


Well-Known Member
She’s triple the man Trump is. You can see the determination in her eyes. She’s going to kneecap Trump politically, or die trying.

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, Trumpers.
determination to fabricate evidence in a kangaroo court? or determination to lose a presidential election and go deep into debt.

which fantasy are you chasing cultzi?