Here is what I want to know. Where was Baba,Moreloch when Bush said,"bring them on" and sent more Americans,and countless Iraqi innocents to their graves? Where Where was Moreloch.Baba, when Bush LIED us into a war of aggression? Where was Baba moreloch,when Cheney made millions off all those dead bodies? Where was Moreloch,baba,when in a 2004 interview,Cheney when asked how he felt about growing public opposition to Iraq,responded,"I really don't care about what the American people think."? Where was Moreloch,Baba,when Bush slight of hand economics,and wholesale deregulation for his rich friends,nearly destroyed the country,and sent millions into poverty,and bankruptcy,and homelessness? Where was Moreloch,baba when anti Bush protesters were JAILED? Where was Baba,moreloch when the Patriot act started stripping us of our Constitutional rights to privacy? Just asking Moreloch,baba etc,etc,etc.........