Minimum wage general strike


Inordinately Right
2009. Inflation hasn't gone up THAT much.
Sorry didn't catch that you were talking about your starting rate.
Ok you started at 16.10 what were you making 3 years later, about double that?.... it's not really a fair comparison, they're gonna be stuck at that wage with little increase no matter how long they work there.


Well-Known Member
Walmart IS the one to blame.
Just because consumers go there, doesn't free Walmart from responsibility.
A company with 15 billion dollars in pure profit a year, can't afford to pay a living wage? Walmart's CEO makes more in an hour than it's average worker makes in an entire year. All taxpayers are paying for Walmart's refusal to offer it's "associates" a living wage.

Yes, that is an issue that walmart can be blamed for..... I was referring to the issues of people blaming walmart for shutting down small business and failing to support local businesses. The only ones to blame for that are the people who shop there


Well-Known Member
2009. Inflation hasn't gone up THAT much.
Inflation is largely subjective. The government figures are not definitive, but just educated opinions. I would argue that if you include healthcare as a necessary cost of living, and account for the recent increases in healthcare costs, it wouldnt be too far fetched to justify inflation reaching that level


Well-Known Troll
, they're gonna be stuck at that wage with little increase no matter how long they work there.

They will only be stuck at that wage if they show no drive, no motivation to be promoted within the company. If they stay at the same register for 10 years, then (other than inflation), why should they see ANY higher wages? If you want to be the night manager, or the head fry dropper, you may get a raise, because you'll have a bit more responsibility. However, $15 to flip burgers is unreasonable.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
If $15.00 an hour is too much how do you justify paying that to a PT sup for 5.5 hours a day to do the same job. Or working people doubles at $30 to $45 an hour because not enough people will work for $8.50 an hour for 3.5 hours a day. Or less after your sup shaves your hours.


Well-Known Member
Raising the minimum wage increases unemployment.

if you can't live off of minimum wage then it's because you're either stupid or make bad decisions.

No one promised you you'd be able to support your 3 kids without a college education.

​Choices have consequences.


Nine Lives
Raising the minimum wage increases unemployment.
I disagree.

Technically, EmraldArcher is correct ... this is the natural cause and effect of any economic model "where all other things are held static".

One could argue that increasing minimum wages will increase disposable income (for those workers whose pay is raised) and therefore leading to more workers to provide those goods purchased by the increased disposable income.
At the same time, increased minimum wage will drive up the cost of goods decreasing the effective disposable income of the people whose wages/​salaries were not impacted.
It gets pretty messy as you can see which is why most, if not all, economic models are constructed on a premise "where all other things are held static".
Technically, EmraldArcher is correct ... this is the natural cause and effect of any economic model "where all other things are held static".

One could argue that increasing minimum wages will increase disposable income (for those workers whose pay is raised) and therefore leading to more workers to provide those goods purchased by the increased disposable income.
At the same time, increased minimum wage will drive up the cost of goods decreasing the effective disposable income of the people whose wages/​salaries were not impacted.
It gets pretty messy as you can see which is why most, if not all, economic models are constructed on a premise "where all other things are held static".
why cant they just put in a COLA ?Every two or three years? when minimum wage was $5.15 for over a decade...they jumped it up to $7.25 in one swoop. Thats a 40% increase in one shot.I dont know what the answer is...but you cant do it all at one time.


Nine Lives
why cant they just put in a COLA ?Every two or three years? when minimum wage was $5.15 for over a decade...they jumped it up to $7.25 in one swoop. Thats a 40% increase in one shot.I dont know what the answer is...but you cant do it all at one time.
Seems reasonable to me ... use the same COLA they use for Soc Sec.
Not sure if that would be 40% - check with someone living off Soc Sec and see how much their checks have increased.
Why didn't they? ... they're politicians and most the time even they don't know why they did something.
Saying that raising the minimum wage causes unemployment is an opinion, not a fact. There are good points on both sides of that argument.
It may not cause unemployment...but it may cause under employment. The reason I say tis is. I have a friend who is in the grocery business. The last time minimum wage went up...the store couldnt raise their prices by the same percentage as the wage increases. So they shaved an hour or two off of everybody's scheduled work week!


Well-Known Member
15 bux an hour for minimum wage isn't so far fetched when you look at the grand scheme of things. Minimum wage has never kept up with the cost of inflation. Everything nowadays is expensive. I can see where someone would think that someone flippin burgers doesn't deserve to make 15 bux an hour. True it really isnt that hard. But im sure there is someone out there who is doing manual labor and working hard for the minimum wage. Its easy for us to sit back while were making 32 bux an hour and act snobby like we weren't in that persons shoes before. Most likely some of us may have been. Are there people that work in some of these restaurants that are lazy people who don't want to work, of course there are. That will never change. But with the way the economy has recessed in the last few years there probably a lot of people who may not have a choice but to take a job flippin burgers on top of maybe a 2nd and 3rd job to make ends meet. Some people don't have the opportunities and resources as other people to find a good job, whatever the case may be. Just kills me how people are so closed minded and selfish about their opinions of where people work, when you don't even know that persons story. Theres always going to be bad seeds and good seeds. I feel bad for the people who may be good people trying to work hard and provide for their families with this silly :censored2: minimum wage we have in this country. Its sad that people are so stinkin selfish nowadays.

I think adjusting the minimum wage for inflation is a good idea. Do you know what the original minimum wage from 1938 would be in today's dollars?


Raising the minimum wage increases unemployment.

if you can't live off of minimum wage then it's because you're either stupid or make bad decisions.

No one promised you you'd be able to support your 3 kids without a college education.

​Choices have consequences.
Not everyone wants to goto college and become an accountant or banker, or whatever else. I know those careers sound enthralling and enlightening on the surface. Do people really grow up saying "I want to be a hedge fund manager"? What a suffocating life. My father made what you call "good" decisions -retired Colonel, businessman and will die wealthy but missing the best years of his life (and his family). I'd rather die penniless and leech the system than be a mindless, unthinking robot in whatever machine you have in mind.


Nine Lives
Not everyone wants to goto college and become an accountant or banker, or whatever else. I know those careers sound enthralling and enlightening on the surface. Do people really grow up saying "I want to be a hedge fund manager"? What a suffocating life. My father made what you call "good" decisions -retired Colonel, businessman and will die wealthy but missing the best years of his life (and his family). I'd rather die penniless and leech the system than be a mindless, unthinking robot in whatever machine you have in mind.

Cheryl can change your Username to Leech-meet-Heart if you ask her.



​I like the repetition of the double "ee"s myself.