15 bux an hour for minimum wage isn't so far fetched when you look at the grand scheme of things. Minimum wage has never kept up with the cost of inflation. Everything nowadays is expensive. I can see where someone would think that someone flippin burgers doesn't deserve to make 15 bux an hour. True it really isnt that hard. But im sure there is someone out there who is doing manual labor and working hard for the minimum wage. Its easy for us to sit back while were making 32 bux an hour and act snobby like we weren't in that persons shoes before. Most likely some of us may have been. Are there people that work in some of these restaurants that are lazy people who don't want to work, of course there are. That will never change. But with the way the economy has recessed in the last few years there probably a lot of people who may not have a choice but to take a job flippin burgers on top of maybe a 2nd and 3rd job to make ends meet. Some people don't have the opportunities and resources as other people to find a good job, whatever the case may be. Just kills me how people are so closed minded and selfish about their opinions of where people work, when you don't even know that persons story. Theres always going to be bad seeds and good seeds. I feel bad for the people who may be good people trying to work hard and provide for their families with this silly

minimum wage we have in this country. Its sad that people are so stinkin selfish nowadays.