Minimum wage general strike


It is what it is
The main Socialist programs are Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and now portions of AHA as well a variety of other government hand out programs.
I think that corporation laws leave much to be desired and that officers of corporations should be held more accountable for actions of the company.

I do question whether reduction in taxes should be considered a handout.
I don't see the tax credit for my investment in energy-saving appliances and upgrades a couple years ago as a handout.
If a tax break given to a company is more than offset by an increase in taxes in people moving in and taxes on their purchases, then that is a business decision by the government.

I don't think Walmart fits in that category anymore BTW.
I think Caterpillar, BMW, Hyundai moving a manufacturing plant into a state/city does fit into that category.

Agreed.... I think

you aint even know it

Well-Known Troll
I often wonder how many of the UPS's security guards are illegal. I've never encountered one whom can speak the English language at least fairly. The next time they ask me to roll up my pants foot, I'm going to I-9 them. :)


Well-Known Member
Yes, that is an issue that walmart can be blamed for..... I was referring to the issues of people blaming walmart for shutting down small business and failing to support local businesses. The only ones to blame for that are the people who shop there

This is a interesting topic and relevant to our economy as a whole. However, I think the majority of people shopping at Walmart don't have a choice to spend more at the store they would like to support. The people that shop at Walmart are exactly who you are discussing. Minimum wage workers. You ever notice how many fast food joints are around almost all Walmarts? Lot's of dollar menu items. I don't shop at Walmart, but that's because I would rather support Sam's market or whomever. I don't think the people shopping at Walmart feel they have that choice. Just my opinion.
1) I don't shop at Wal-Mart. I shop at Costco, which is a company that pays its workers good wages without being unionized and I respect that. Not hating on anyone who does anything differently, just where I choose to spend my dollars.

2) A $15 min wage is too high. But so what? Minimum wage needs to be raised. Chances are if you want say, $10 an hour, and you go in asking for it you'll end up settling for less. So if you want $10, asking for $15 isn't the worst idea ever.

3) I was arguing about minimum wage with my father the other day who is completely against what the fast food workers are doing. Today he brought up that he hoped he would get his inflation bump on his social security this year. Thought that was ironic.

4) There is some truth in the statements that some of these fast food workers need to work to do better themselves. I saw one holding a sign that they had worked for a fast food chicken place for 7 years with no raise. How hard is it get a job at UPS? Not very. 7 years at UPS and they'd be making over twice what they are making now with paid vacation, health insurance, retirement, etc.

Gotta see both sides of the argument. I hope minimum wage goes up. I hope unions make a come back. I hope some of the people in these dead end jobs will take more ownership of their own decisions. Plenty of blame to go around.