Lets get this thread back on its point.
How MIP was and is distributed. Many years ago a District Mgr that held all of the districts meetings in "house" to save money, never had Golf outings or anything else for Management over the year came very close to losing his job for a "formal" MIP distribution. The district held an all day meeting with the new Mip recipients with complete group and one on one explanations of the entire stock ownership program and a lunch.
In the evening the District Manager had the spouses of the Staff come in -personally thanked them for all the sacrifices during the year they had to make such as relocate, pull the kids out of school , have many months seperation from their spouses etc,etc. He then presented the couple with their MIP and had a dinner.
He was accused of having a "Christmas Party" even though his discetionary spending was way below plan and the best in the country.
With all the cuts today do you really believe a District Manager would spend money on a formal presentation ?
As with many things --you cannot just look at the cost ---some things have long term effects and are priceless !!!
What say you ?