Für Meno :)
Looking back, fortunately, I sold a lot of UPS stock at almost the exact top for that time. Unfortuately, I plowed most of it back into other equities and am certainly no better off.
But, one thing to give some serious consideration to: I think it would be fair to say that the management at GM had similar feelings and programs with their stock as we do with our UPS stock. I am sure that most of them had disproportionate amount of their net worth tied up in their stock and were very confident that it would serve them better than the overall market. I am sure they believed their company was too big to fail. But as it turns out, everything they had invested in their company stock is worth exactly nothing today. You have to feel for them. Don't believe that anthing on this earth is a sure thing.
Plus you forgot the 10% discount going to 5%.
That stopped me from purchasing them. Figured screw those 5%, I can get a larger return elsewhere.
And, I bet a lot of employees are thinking and doing the same.
Which equals less share buyers, = lower or just moderate stock prices.