Missing a decade and found!!


golden ticket member
Oh wait....i'll go get my reverse mortgage because The Fonz and Fred Thompson says I should. And gold too because that movie star on a horse says so.


golden ticket member
Where did I say I didn't watch it ?? I actually had to go to You Tube to watch it because it wouldn't play on B.C.
Jeff is a Michigan resident. So is Michael Moore and Eminem......I don't listen to their politics either.
Some people think Bill Maher is the end all in politics.
Happy Mother's Day !!


Well-Known Member
:censored2:s in every over regulated agency in DC must go, period. Freedom killing life sucking leaches ever clinging to a proven failed ideology for the sake of a social agenda, period.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Enforcing the law is something that bleeding hearts care not one whit about.

Unless your a bible believing homophobe or conservative, err I mean "neocon" or Tea Party member.

IRS Admits Targeting Conservative Groups | Free Speech, American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ

Why is the American Taliban blocking the President's appointments to the IRS? Could it be that the Republican apoointees that are there now fear the American Taliban more that the Democrats?



Well-Known Member
I feel this guy is a real down to earth, good man. Even though at times his talk is colorful, his thoughts are from a good place. I heard he had some minor brushes with the law, but doing something like this, seeing the evil he saw, when he could have just walked on by, would be a game changer for anyone.

8 years in jail for domestic abuse would hardly be considered a minor brush with the law.


Well-Known Member
American taliban. Another made up term from the leftist ostriches unwilling to accept reality. God bless anyone on capital hill regardless of what letter comes after their name for standing in the way of a Marxist.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
8 years in jail for domestic abuse would hardly be considered a minor brush with the law.
Really, I did not know that. It was not reported, and I never delved into it. Just happy he went to the door with anther man, Angel Corderro and got those girls out. Just saying many people would have just looked the other way.
Really, I did not know that. It was not reported, and I never delved into it. Just happy he went to the door with anther man, Angel Corderro and got those girls out. Just saying many people would have just looked the other way.
They should lock him up forever and let the inmates do the same thing to him as he did to those poor women!!! I am sure the guards would look the other way!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Yup, you found it. But it does not negate the fact that he did something good and I will continue to think of him as heroic. Hoping the good he did will enable him to put his past behind him. Wrongs do not negate rights, and I for one person, believe people can change.


Fugitive From Reality
My brother-in-law used to work at that prison. I wouldn't be surprised if Castro had a little "assistance" with his suicide.

I was thinking that maybe he got some assistance. Good riddance!

I hope he's burning in hell right now.