The procedure of pulling old women and people that don't fit the profile of a terrorist isn't done to avoid a racial profiling complain either. It's done because terrorists come in all colors, ages, shapes, and sizes.
You're right! You're right! I can see the real threat and potential that a 82 year old female of Methodist belief is going to hijack an airliner and fly it into tall buildings or strap on a bomb laden vest and explode it in a public area or build some type of WMD to explode on Sunday in Sunday School. Then again maybe someone themself is just so risk averse that they are afraid that some 82 year old Methodist female might get sick and tired of them and wallop their head with an umbrella. Amazing to go through life terrified of little old ladies!
I can care less if the govt. wants to listen to me recieve calls from UPS to come work. Or calls from my mother because she just wants to talk to me because she hasn't seen me in months. Or calls from my wife while she is on her lunch breaks at work. Or if they want to listen to the calls I make to my friends to tell them how much I enjoyed the movie "300". Or calls to UPS. Or calls I make to make doctor appointments.
This one is real simple because the argument is pure economics. In an age where our gov't "CAN'T" and "WON'T" balance the budget, you blindly justify them going off and wasting even more money on goose chases that make us no safer at all. It's ironic the gov't listens to our phone calls so to speak (I don't think it's all that widespread) while at the same time in Afghanistan we are losing ground as the Taliban begins to regroup and rebuild. The Taliban you will remember gave life and sanction to Al Queda and Osama and all the while we chase phantom WMD's in Iraq. Oh, now it's bringing democracy to a troubled peoples. What's the story tomorrow?
The signs are there that trouble is brewing in Afghanistan and we're somewhere else not watching the real store. At the same time, we are growing debt at such a rate that even a super robust economy can't generate the tax revenue growth to keep up. At some point this will hit critical mass and then here's the scenario. Basic gov't services will face severe budget shortfalls and domestic policy will be at a crossroads of either eliminating many services or going away altogether. Elected officials will face a number of scenarios from raising taxes and cutting some services but also all areas will face problems. Raising taxes will effect the economy just as gov't cuts in services will. People and many people could face situations from job lost to financial hardships as the building ripple effect reverberates through the economy. Stocks will drop and so with capital gains tax revs. People's retirement accounts, especially the large group of babyboomers with their 401k's who are seen in the future as a huge inflex of leisure spending will have to vastly scaleback plans which also effects the economy. In short, our domestic house will become a trainwreck so much so that it will effect our ability as a military force to be the protector it should be. Economics will likely dictate a possible complete withdrawal of all military forces from the entire mideast region and most likely from other areas of the world as well. Then my friend, how do you purpose we defend against real or potential hostile acts that we could face? Is it even possible or plausible that this could also be a strategic move on the part of the forces that would like to destroy us? We seem to be following the historic patterns of past empires who become errogant, slothful and morally corrupt and begin a collasping process within so that in years ahead a much lesser force is able to walk over and just take what they want from the dying carcass. What's the first thing any army needs? Gold man, the answer is gold!
I fail to see where the government has failed you in the past to warrant your distrust in them?
You know, I can honestly believe in all sincerity on your part that you can fail to see where gov't has failed to the point of earning my distrust. There are many areas I could go into that would explain my position but I'm willingto almost bet you'd be unwilling to even for the briefest of moments to consider them so instead I'll stick with the economic theme laid out above in the hopes you pocketbook will speak louder. You like many Americans seem very risk averse so I could be wrong on this but here goes anyway. Click on the link below:
U.S. National Debt Clock
This is the US Federal Debt Clock and click your refresh button as fast as you can and see what the numbers do. As you did so what were your thoughts? No right or wrong answer here, just curious as to what you thought as you looked at those numbers.
If it has anything to do with Katrina then please don't even bother responding.
Boy it's obvious you don't know me at all making that statement. OK Big, you may have to look up these words but politically a fall under the term (plus or minus) libertarian anarchist. I say plus or minus because I'm not a purist either because what I won't condone on a federal level I will condone in certain conditions on a local level. I'd even entertain a local social security program if it's completely voluntary and not compulsary. Flipside, you didn't contribute, you get nothing even if you lay beside the road dying! And you thought you were the heartless bas+ard here!

You can have all the empirical socialist/facist state you want if it's not compulsary on my part to join in. To borrow a phrase from my younger years, you do your thing and I'll do mine!
Local level control makes it easier for the citizen to watch and also monitor results to make sure what is being done was suppose to be done and maintain the highest potential of gov't accountability. IMO not 1 single red cent of federal money "should" have been spent to help anyone in the aftermath of Katrina. On the flipside I donate from my own money on a weekly basis even to this day to organizations who are still helping in the aftermath a the Katrina disaster. I happen to believe that private persons coming together can have a larger and greater positive impact than a gov't agency can and I also happen to believe the giving is manna from heaven for the heart of the individual who gives to help. Hope that puts that to bed!
Yeah I'd help the dying man on the side of the road but I don't want a gov't compelling me in any way to do it! I guess I'm not as heartless after all!