Some Star Trek..... The Voyage Home?
close....... Star Trek 3 The Wrath of Khan Just before Spock dies.
Some Star Trek..... The Voyage Home?
"Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories..We've already missed the Spring".
If I remember correctly you once said that your favorite movie is Guess Who's Coming to Dinner...From my favorite movie (1967)...........
" Let me tell you something. I owe you nothing! If you carried that bag a million miles, you did what you're supposed to do! Because you brought me into this world. And from that day you owed me everything you could ever do for me like I will owe my son if I ever have another. But you don't own me! "
Marlon Brando "The Godfather" pt1 while talking to Al Pacino ...... BC (not Big country)from another favorite...watch it every weekend.....
"It's an old habit. I spent my life trying not to be careless. Women and children can be careless but not men."