My Family's Oldest or Craziest Holiday Ritual

9.5 everyday

Well-Known Member
My dad always worked Christmas Day in the fire department for over time, we would go to midnight mass Christmas Eve, and then open presents when we got home at 1:30am. We would then sleep in Christmas morning and have a huge breakfast when we woke. I loved it.


Retired 23 years
We always got to open one present each on Christmas Eve. Everything else was opened in the morning. One year my brothers and I had peaked at every present under the tree and hidden in the house. That was a lousy Christmas knowing what most everything was. My parents knew what we had done. We were threatened with no presents if we ever did that again---and we didn't.


Staff member
On xmas eve we go out for chinese food ( Ms jones gets credit for this one).
On xmas morning we watch Bladerunner (Ms jones does not get credit for this one.)