Nancy Pelosi's husband attacked in family home


Binge Poster
No .. I didn’t start this. That credit goes to @bottomups

The scriptures teach. They are for our learning.
I read . You?
Go somewhere else besides this thread to ask the same questions you have asked a thousand times and spin.
I only came to this thread to respond to the portion that I happened to be mentioned.

I believe you were the one who mentioned me in your response.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I am responding to comments you brought to this thread.

I am having a difficult time following your theology and or your logic.

So you are saying that scriptures taught you that your thought process has to be lined up with what scripture teaches to believe that you are or not hearing from God Himself through His Holy Spirit? Is that correct?

I don’t get it.

Who taught you that this teaching can be found in scripture?

My understanding of God begins and ends with God. Scripture is useful in my religious life and is useful in assisting me in my spiritual growth and my relationship with God but my understanding of God definitely doesn’t end with scripture.

It seems to me your understanding of God seems to begin and end with scripture.
Wrong thread.


Well-Known Member
The NRA still hasn't turned off Facebook ads that shows where the Pelosi's live.

